Unlimited Power Book Summary, by Anthony Robbins

Want to learn the ideas in Unlimited Power better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins here.

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Video Summaries of Unlimited Power

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1-Page Summary of Unlimited Power


If you feel that you don’t have the energy to achieve a goal, deep breathing will help. Breathing in this way also boosts your immune system and prevents cancerous cells from growing. Many people walk through life feeling unfulfilled but they believe there is nothing they can do to attain fulfillment.

Some people are not satisfied with their lives and feel depressed. This is a problem because it can lead to the abandonment of your deepest desires. However, there’s an easy way to be fulfilled and achieve what you want in life. These key points will show you how to unlock your potential by modeling yourself on someone else, looking at the upper right corner when memorizing things, or changing your body position if you’re feeling depressed.

Big Idea #1: There is no such thing as failure. You can learn and grow from each step you take.

If you’ve suffered from depression, then you may have experienced a trigger that makes it worse. It could be failing at something important or making bad business decisions. That’s when the cycle of darkness begins.

In truth, there is no such thing as failing. If you define failure by not getting the results you want, then the world’s most successful people are failures.

The difference between successful people and everyone else is that successful people see failure as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes. For example, if you start your own business at a young age and it fails, you can use that experience in the future. If you lose someone close to you due to disease or death, then later on in life when trying something new such as running for political office, those experiences will help guide you.

Many people might call this a string of failures, but Lincoln learned from his experiences. This allowed him to grow as a person and become one of the most celebrated presidents in US history.

Thomas Edison never gave up. He tried to create the light bulb for nine thousand times, even though he knew it was going to be difficult.

Thomas Edison didn’t see his previous attempts as failures. Instead, he saw them as a way to learn what doesn’t work when creating the light bulb.

Throughout history, people have learned from their mistakes and tried again. This is important for personal relationships as well. Sometimes we’re trying to be positive and loving but our actions can hurt someone’s feelings.

If you think your message was misunderstood, try to figure out why the listener interpreted it differently than intended. Maybe they didn’t understand what you were saying because of what you said or how you said it. Consider your tone and mannerisms when speaking with them. Once you figure out where the misunderstanding came from, communicate again in a different way so that there’s no confusion this time around.

Big Idea #2: There are some ways to control your brain and change the way you process emotions. This can help overcome depression.

Before they’ve been polished, gemstones look like regular rocks. It is up to you and your brain to polish them so that they can reflect light in brilliant ways.

You can’t prevent bad things from happening, but you can choose how to perceive them.

For example, maybe you want to be an actor but you’re afraid of failing. However, if you look at it from another perspective and realize that your skills can be improved through training and practice, then the fear of failure will dissipate. First, listen to what that voice is telling you; then change its tone so that it’s not as scary. If this doesn’t work, try changing the way in which your inner voice speaks to you by making it more appealing or sexy. This trick can eliminate anxiety and make things easier for those who are scared of doing something difficult. It also works with depression because one way to prevent depression is by figuring out how depressive feelings occur within a person when certain negative thoughts enter his head or he starts speaking negatively about himself in a sad tone while hanging his head low.

Unlimited Power Book Summary, by Anthony Robbins