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Video Summaries of Troublemaker

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Troublemaker, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Leah Remini, Rebecca Paley.

1-Page Summary of Troublemaker


Leah Remini is a celebrity who was born in Brooklyn, New York to an abusive father and mother. She grew up around poverty with her sister and struggled to be like other kids she knew. Her mom dated a man named Dennis who introduced them to Scientology when Leah was just a little girl. As children they began attending intensive sessions of the church every day after school until their parents came home from work. They were drawn into the community because of all the attention they received for being such good Scientologists.

Leah was feeling lost in life until she joined a Scientology community. In the church, Leah feels that she has found her place and purpose in life. She thinks that everyone else should join the church because it will help them live better lives as well. The church’s teachings have given Leah a new sense of importance and meaning in her life.

The Church of Scientology has a lot of controversial practices. One of them is the Sea Organization, which consists of workers who are paid very little and live in poor conditions. The children in this organization aren’t educated normally, but instead get an education based on Scientology teachings. Children as young as Leah’s baby sister have to work long hours with no schooling or food while being physically abused if they don’t meet their quotas or follow the rules correctly. Vicki (Leah’s mother) decides to leave Florida with her kids because she doesn’t want them to be part of that system anymore; however, it turns out that even though they can’t join the elite ranks, they still choose to stay within the community due to Dennis abandoning them after joining Scientology in the first place

Leah’s family is impoverished due to the cost of Scientology courses, which requires them to take out loans. Leah wants to be a celebrity in order to elevate her status and help her family financially. She hopes that being a celebrity will also help her become more popular in the church community as well.

Leah auditioned for acting roles, but it was difficult to build a career. She became convinced that she wasn’t good enough and needed to work on her spirituality in order to succeed. This is what Scientology teaches: if you want something badly enough, you will get it; if not, then there’s something wrong with your spiritual being. Eventually, Leah got a role in Living Dolls. Her career experienced some successes and failures along the way, but setbacks kept her tied up in Scientology because she believed further instructions would make her happier.

Leah Remini’s success is cemented when she wins a lead role with Kevin James on The King of Queens in 1998. Her success earns her a more prominent position in her church as well as the expectation that she become an ambassador for Scientology. She’s asked to donate to numerous causes and gives millions of dollars over the years, even though leaders insist they’re helping hurricane victims or protecting religious freedom. When Leah asks to see evidence of this work, leaders hassle her for questioning the church. Leah never sees any proof but continues contributing anyway because the church is relentless about fundraising and not donating as requested could be seen as rejecting the church, its leaders, and principles.

Leah Remini is becoming more and more famous with the success of King of Queens. She’s also expected to recruit people into Scientology, as well as associate with other celebrity Scientologists like Tom Cruise. Leah is invited to private events at Tom Cruise’s house, which she finds uncomfortable because she’s constantly monitored by Scientology officials who seem to be there for no reason but to make sure that Cruise is happy and content. Leah thinks that this behavior from him towards others is appalling and he yells at an assistant for giving him coffee in a chipped mug.

Troublemaker Book Summary, by Leah Remini, Rebecca Paley