Want to learn the ideas in The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz, Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy here.

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Video Summaries of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Tony Schwartz, Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy.

1-Page Summary of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working

“More, Bigger, Faster”

Technology has made it harder to work because you are available 24/7, even when you’re not at the office. People are supposed to use technology to make their jobs easier, but in reality, it makes them more stressful and difficult. Additionally, people aren’t given enough time off during the day or week.

Employers treat their employees like machines, assuming that they will work for long periods of time without needing a break. However, people are not machines and need to rest after working intensely. To help your employees excel, you should address four needs:

  1. People need to be sustainable, both physically and emotionally. To stay healthy, fit and resilient, people should recharge often because they’re not able to go on forever. They also must feel cherished, respected and loved in order to lead a happy life.

  2. “Employee self-expression is a crucial need. People want to be able to use their unique skills and talents in the workplace, regardless of whether they’re working for themselves or someone else. They also need to find meaning at work, which can happen when they have a genuine sense of purpose and are recognized by others as being valuable contributors.”

Changing the workplace is difficult. To accomplish this, employers need to establish positive new routines that will help them achieve their goals. To do this, they should set aside time for brainstorming and exercise in order to improve both physical and mental health. They should also make key behaviors automatic by phasing them in gradually through repetition so that workers can focus on improving those behaviors over time. This can be done by limiting meetings or conducting regular goal-setting sessions with employees so that they are not overwhelmed with change all at once.

Workers today are constantly on call. Emails that expect a fast response, as well as tight deadlines and long hours, make it difficult to detach from work. This leads to exhaustion and burnout, which can be combated by changing four behaviors: eating healthy meals regularly; exercising daily; getting enough sleep every night; and taking time off at regular intervals. Employers should help their employees change these behaviors in order to boost employee performance.

Physical Needs

The body’s circadian rhythm dictates that people need to get enough sleep. However, many people don’t recognize this and they sacrifice their sleep in order to be more productive at work. People who do not get enough rest are less productive and make mistakes while working. Some activities can help people rest during the day such as taking breaks after 90 minutes of intense work or deep breathing exercises. Taking vacations is also a great way for employees to refresh themselves because it allows them to relax and enjoy life again. Regular exercise is important too because it helps improve your health and circulation around the brain which leads to clear thinking about problems you might have been having with work or other situations in life.

It’s important to eat right, but most people don’t. They tend to skip breakfast and reach for the wrong foods when they need a boost of energy. The result is obesity, diabetes and poor health. To reverse this trend, we should encourage workers to focus on eating healthy food throughout the day instead of unhealthy snacks that give them only temporary bursts of energy.

Employers should focus on the quality of time employees spend at work, rather than quantity. Employers should provide wellness programs and other fitness initiatives to improve productivity.

The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working Book Summary, by Tony Schwartz, Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy