Want to learn the ideas in The Triple Package better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of The Triple Package by Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld here.
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Video Summaries of The Triple Package
We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Triple Package, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld .
1-Page Summary of The Triple Package
Jews make up a small part of the world’s population but have won 20% of Nobel Prizes. Why is that? And how did Mormons, who were once viewed with suspicion, become so wealthy and influential in America? As these facts show, there are three forces behind the success of many prominent faith-based and ethnic groups: The Triple Package. Here’s what they are:
In this passage, the author will explain how marshmallows are connected to achievement; why you should eat bitterness; and the real reason America has lost its place in the world.
Big Idea #1: Successful groups in America often share common characteristics.
It’s clear that certain groups in America are more successful than others. And while your personal success can depend on the successes of your parents, it is still possible to rise from rags to riches in America.
It depends on how you define success, but if by success, you mean having a high income and being influential in society, then it’s possible to compare the achievements of different groups. For instance, Indian-Americans have the highest median household income of all ethnic groups tracked by the census bureau at $90,500 per year. Taiwanese come close behind with $88,000 per year.