The Sociopath Next Door Book Summary, by Martha Stout

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1-Page Summary of The Sociopath Next Door


Four percent of the population is made up of sociopaths. This mental illness is not well-understood, however, and people who are not trained to identify it may be fooled by those with this disorder. It’s important to understand what a sociopath is and learn how they behave so we can protect ourselves against them.

Sociopaths are people who have no feelings of guilt, remorse or shame. They do not experience emotions the way that most humans do. Their relationships with others are empty and they only think about how to get what they want out of those relationships. Because sociopaths don’t care how their actions affect others, they feel free to act however they please and because they can’t derive meaning from relationships, sociopaths live by dominating other people and pursuing their own objectives.

Sociopaths share a lot of characteristics, but they are not all the same. They vary in terms of intelligence, ambition and bloodlust. Some are just deceptive coworkers or selfish spouses, while others are rapists and murderers. However, sociopaths do have one thing in common: They tend to be charming at first sight by flattering people with compliments; they lie frequently without regret; and try to gain sympathy from other people for their own benefit.

Key Takeaways

Sociopaths are more common than we think. Studies show that about 4% of the general population has this condition, which is also known as antisocial personality disorder.

Sociopaths are people who have no conscience. They don’t feel guilt, which means they can do whatever they want without feeling bad about it.

Conscience isn’t about what you do, but rather how you feel. It’s the sense of emotion and attachment to others.

It is very hard to imagine a person who doesn’t have a conscience. We are in danger because we don’t recognize sociopaths and therefore, try to excuse their behavior instead of recognizing it as harmful.

Another common trait of sociopaths is their charm. This allows them to easily win over people and gain their trust. Typically, sociopaths are obsessed with domination and winning. They have no other sense of meaning in life than these two things. People should question authority because it’s often easy to be fooled by a charming person who looks legitimate or respectable, but might actually not be that way at all.

Another sign of sociopaths is their tendency to play the victim. They don’t care about other people; instead, they try to make them feel sorry for them so that they can get away with their manipulative behavior.

Sociopathy is partially genetic, but it’s also shaped by an individual’s environment. It exists in all of us at birth, but culture determines how it shapes our lives. A predisposition for sociopathy exists in most people, and studies suggest that altruism helps humans survive. This means that nature supports both tendencies simultaneously.

Sociopaths often lead empty and unsatisfying lives. They may appear to be successful, but they don’t feel satisfied with their lives. It is better to have a conscience, which leads to love, meaning and emotional connection in life.

Key Takeaway 1: Four percent of the general population possesses antisocial personality disorder, what we generally call “sociopathy.” This means that sociopaths are far more common than we tend to think.


Most people tend to think that sociopaths are rare, exceptional freaks of nature. In fact, they make up a much larger part of the general public. Most people know someone who is a sociopath, even if they don’t realize it. In fact, most people have a lot in common with sociopaths; for example, anorexia and colon cancer are less common than sociopathy.

The Sociopath Next Door Book Summary, by Martha Stout