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1-Page Summary of The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a book by bestselling author Deepak Chopra. It outlines the spiritual laws that help people achieve success, which is not just about prestige and wealth. A successful person should be fulfilled, have healthy relationships, experience joy in life, feel abundant and overall well being.

Everything in the world is connected with God. Being prosperous and successful comes from being in alignment with universal energy, which means following seven laws that are also known as divine principles. The first divine principle is the Law of Pure Potentiality, which states that humans have unlimited potential to be creative, wise and peaceful at their core. Focusing on this inner divinity rather than external markers of success leads to prosperity.

The second spiritual law is the Law of Giving. The more you give, the more you receive in return. If you do something good for someone without expecting anything in return, then that person will pay it back to you and even help out others as well.

The third spiritual law is the Law of Karma. It states that every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. The fourth law is the Law of Least Effort, which says that when you’re in your natural state, things will come to you without trying hard for them.

The fifth spiritual law is the Law of Intention and Desire. Everything in the universe represents energy and information, including people’s thoughts. People can tap into this existing energy to manifest their desires by focusing their intentions on a desire. The field of pure potentiality is where miracles occur because it can conjure infinite possibilities that are not hindered by rational thought.

According to the sixth spiritual law, letting go of your attachment to a specific outcome can help you achieve success. Setting intentions and then letting go is part of that process.

The seventh law is the Law of Dharma, which states that everyone has a mission to fulfill while existing in a physical body. This mission is an expression of divinity.

The seven spiritual laws are interconnected and can be applied in everyday life. Applying the first law naturally leads to applying the second law, which then leads to applying the third law, etc. It all ends with finding purpose in life.

When a spiritual approach to success is applied in everyday life, people recognize their inherent divinity. As a result, they are fulfilled and happy.

Key Point 1: True power is accessed and exercised by experiencing the Self.

Many people believe that power comes from being in control of others or having a prestigious job. However, true power is derived from within and doesn’t require external validation. Self-referral brings you closer to the field of pure potentiality where all things are possible.

Ben was brought up to believe that having the right car, partner and job would bring him prestige. He went on to graduate from an Ivy League college, married his equally intelligent and impressive wife and got a high-paying job at a management consulting company. Ben felt proud of what he accomplished in life but began to feel uneasy about it later on. He started wondering if there wasn’t something more meaningful than just earning money for himself. His unease led him into meditation where he realized that he had been focusing too much on external markers of success instead of looking within himself for fulfillment and power through the eternal self (the infinite being). This awareness prompted a powerful shift in Ben’s perspective as well as his actions; he focused less on materialistic things such as wealth or status symbols like cars or clothes, which made him happier because it allowed him to connect with his inner self more often. The connection with the Self led naturally to an even better paying job than before, one that fulfilled Ben even more because it allowed him to share his new found knowledge about true power (an internal focus) with others who were inspired by this message.

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Book Summary, by Deepak Chopra