The Psychology of Selling Book Summary, by Brian Tracy

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Video Summaries of The Psychology of Selling

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1-Page Summary of The Psychology of Selling


Sales: some people are naturals and others can’t do it at all. However, this is not true. Anyone can be a good salesperson if they learn how to do it. To learn the skills of selling, read these key points based on the teachings of one of the most successful sales gurus in history. If you want to increase your commissions and outsell your competition, then check out these ideas from him.

Here are some key points to remember: the subconscious can be your best sales weapon, you should always keep learning, and a fearful prospect isn’t worth much.

Big Idea #1: Motivate your subconscious for successful sales.

What are you planning for today? Probably a few simple tasks, like taking out the trash and buying some toilet paper. But did you know that to-do lists can be great tools for salespeople as well?

To-do lists help you achieve your goals. Your subconscious plays a key role in sales, as it helps you read body language and facial expressions. By writing down your tasks on a to-do list, you give the subconscious something to work with.

Start by writing down your reasons for wanting to succeed in sales. The more you write, the more motivated you’ll be. Why? Because each reason is a piece of ammo that will help your subconscious mind achieve success.

For example, one sales manager will be more successful than another because he has a goal to save for a new car and take a road trip through the mountains. However, the other sales manager can name dozens of reasons why he wants to achieve his goals from renovating parts of his house to getting a dog for his kids and taking a family holiday through China.

Motivational lists are just one of the tools that salespeople use to be more successful. It’s not the only thing they do, but it can help with their performance. In this next key point, we’ll look at another technique: self-esteem.

Big Idea #2: Boost your self-esteem to improve your sales performance.

Everyone has negative self-talk. It’s important to recognize this and turn it into positive self-talk instead, because your subconscious mind will try to make the picture you give it real. For example, if someone tells himself he’s an idiot for messing up too many times in a row, his subconscious will encourage him to keep making mistakes so that he can confirm that image of himself as being stupid. However, if someone says something positive about himself like “I’m calm and confident,” his subconscious mind will help him act accordingly by becoming more calm and confident in stressful situations.

It’s especially helpful to remember the best sales you’ve made in order to get yourself ready for an upcoming sale. Mediocre salespeople, on the other hand, dwell on their worst experiences and stress out before a pitch. The superior salesperson will be confident during his presentation by recalling past successes.

Big Idea #3: Surround yourself with people that share your passion and drive.

Learning doesn’t end when you graduate from college. The more you learn, the better prepared you’ll be to compete in today’s job market. It’s important to set goals for yourself and develop a learning strategy that includes both formal education and informal learning opportunities like listening to podcasts or watching TED talks.

A salesperson listened to a self-help audio program every day on the way to work, which offered advice on how to boost self-esteem, organize your day and lead your career. He would apply those new lessons in practical situations at work once he arrived there. As a result, his sales nearly doubled!

You can also gain insight from those around you. Find your reference group – a network of people who share the same ideology as you do – and spend time with them. Their accomplishments will encourage you to follow in their footsteps, too. Imagine a salesperson was never very successful in her role; she might understand that her reference group was negative and unmotivated like her, and know that if she wanted to learn how to be successful, she needed to seek out other types of salespeople she could relate with better. By spending time among strong, confident salespeople rather than mediocre ones, practicing their techniques when they offered advice based on what works for them rather than listening solely to what made sense coming from her usual circle of friends who didn’t sell much either (or who practiced ineffective methods), then surely this person’s confidence would improve massively along with his morale.

The Psychology of Selling Book Summary, by Brian Tracy