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1-Page Summary of The Messy Middle


These days, it’s hard to read a newspaper or watch the news without hearing about another successful start-up. These companies are valued at millions of dollars and have plans for world domination. But is that really how they got there? Are we only getting their press releases, which can’t be trusted?

It is crucial to understand how successful companies got to where they are today, since 90% of all start-ups crash and burn before making any impact on the marketplace. Before we begin a journey of our own, how do we make sure it ends up being one of the successes? Many guides focus on either kicking off or concluding your venture; however, it is in the messy middle when you get started and secure funding that determines whether you will be successful.

In this article, we will learn why it’s counterintuitive to prepare for long-term accomplishments. We’ll also discover that you should focus on fixing what works rather than repairing what’s broken. Finally, we’ll be reminded never to think of your project as finished because there is always more work to do and improvements to make.

Big Idea #1: Business success is forged in the difficult middle of any venture.

Starting a new business is like embarking on an adventure. Entrepreneurs and artists have similar fears and hopes, but they also deal with the messy middle of their ventures.

The middle of any worthwhile venture is a rollercoaster ride. You’ll go through highs and lows, where you will feel like your enthusiasm for the project is waning, but then it will come back again.

The middle of a project is all about finding a direction, making progress, and then stumbling and losing your way again. You have to push through the lows to get back on track when you feel lost or confused.

When you’re in the middle of a project, it might seem like there are only ups and downs involved. But after some time, you’ll hopefully see that there’s an upward slope toward success. This is what completing a project looks like.

If you’re not convinced, just consider the author’s background.

After Scott Belsky founded Behance, an online platform for connecting creative professionals, he experienced a few years of trouble. No one beyond his employees thought much of the project and all they expressed were doubts about it.

Belsky was in a difficult stage of his business. He was so worried that he needed anti-nausea pills to eat. Many entrepreneurs are uncomfortable talking about this period because it’s not glamorous, but it’s the reality of being an entrepreneur.

Big Idea #2: Give yourself a much-needed sense of a short-term reward by manufacturing milestones.

If you’ve ever tried to be an entrepreneur, you know that it takes a lot of time and commitment. You also have likely faced some obstacles in your endeavors.

Unfortunately, many times the journey to success is compounded by the fact that you’ll have to spend a lot of money and invest your time without any immediate reward. In order to stay motivated, we need short term rewards. We’re taught this from a young age with grades in school. These grades earn us approval from our teachers, classmates and parents which are all short-term rewards. In adulthood, it’s no different when we get rewarded for hard work with a paycheck every month—a short-term reward that makes us feel good each time we receive it.

Some businesses are rewarding in the short term, whereas others aren’t. If you can make up rewards for yourself that give you a sense of achievement and satisfaction in the interim, then it may help to keep your spirits up when things seem bleak.

The Messy Middle Book Summary, by Scott Belsky