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Video Summaries of The Manager’s Path

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1-Page Summary of The Manager’s Path


Camille Fournier’s The Manager’s Path (2017) is a guide for leaders in the technology industry. It gives advice to computer engineers who want to become managers and explains what it takes to be a good manager.

Tech leads are an important step in a software engineer’s career. They take on additional responsibilities, such as product management and communicating with more senior members of the company. A tech lead must be able to communicate business priorities to the team and explain technical details to upper management. It can be frustrating because they have limited authority, but it is an opportunity for them to develop new skills and advance within the company.

Managers should help their team succeed by guiding them on advancement opportunities. The best managers create a culture in which feedback is given regularly and frequently. Employees should know where they stand; if an employee gets a bad review, then the manager has failed.

Technology leaders will have to code less and do more management. However, they should still be able to debug their team’s work to stay in touch with what’s going on. Managers shouldn’t be afraid of asking their employees for help when they need it.

Top roles for technical managers include the vice president of engineering and the chief technology officer. These positions are similar in some ways, but they also differ in others. In general, however, both these roles involve directing technical departments and people to achieve strategic goals.

Key Takeaways

Successful managers must have effective one-on-one meetings to develop their employees. Mentoring is important for new hires, and it’s the responsibility of technical leads to provide that mentorship. Tech leads should be good communicators in order to effectively mentor their team members.

Managers should avoid micromanaging their employees. Instead, they should let them work independently and solve problems on their own. Managers shouldn’t shield their teams from all stress but rather allow for some issues to arise so that the team can learn how to deal with those situations. Leadership must set the standard for excellence in order for an organization to be successful. If everyone is working towards a common goal, then it’s easier to share ideas and information about what works best within the company structure.

Key Takeaway 1: One-on-one meetings are vital to successful management.

Managers should hold one-on-one meetings with their employees on a weekly basis so that they can provide feedback and find out about problems.

Tech managers and engineers might be tempted to communicate with their employees via e-mail or text message. However, face-to-face meetings are more effective because they allow for strategic questions. In one on ones, you can show your employees that you care about them by asking meaningful questions. E-mails may convey information but will not provide the kind of back and forth communication that builds trust between people.

Key Takeaway 2: Mentoring is an important part of bringing new hires on board.

Good mentors can encourage interns to apply for jobs at a company after they graduate. They can also help new hires decide whether or not they want to join the company. Mentors should be clear about their goals and what mentees should expect from them in terms of support and guidance. Krystal Freeman, writing for Helios HR, suggests that mentors share important knowledge with new employees that will make it easier for them to learn more on their own. As they do this, senior staff members show younger workers how much opportunity there is within a company for growth and advancement.

The Manager’s Path Book Summary, by Camille Fournier