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Video Summaries of The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind
We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Vishen Lakhiani.
1-Page Summary of The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind
In The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, Vishen Lakhiani presents a step-by-step process for breaking away from common beliefs and following a calling that will make a difference in the world. He outlines this process by drawing on wisdom he’s gained from his colleagues over the years, including leaders, CEOs, spiritual teachers, media moguls and more. As an engineer who likes to take things apart and put them back together again better than before, Lakhiani applies this skill to personal development with his unique code approach.
Everyone is influenced by the culture they’re raised in. This influences their choices and goals for the future. If people are willing to break free from society’s standards, they can reprogram themselves so that work isn’t separate from life. This enables them to be happy every day and create a lasting contribution to the world.
Key Takeaways
Extraordinary people are able to identify the “bullshit rules” that they follow without question, and discard those that don’t suit them.
“Consciousness engineering” is the act of changing your habits and beliefs that get in the way of achieving goals. Extraordinary people choose to think positively about themselves and their futures, instead of thinking negatively. They also make sure they have a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating well. It’s important to be happy with yourself before you can achieve anything else; therefore, extraordinary people do things that bring them joy while still working toward their future goals.
People who are extraordinary don’t need to prove themselves. They find their worth within and listen to their intuition.
Key Takeaway 1: Extraordinary people are committed to living on their own terms, independent of cultural norms.
Many people don’t realize that the values they hold are mostly inherited from their families and society. They generally don’t discard established cultural values because of a fear of leaving the familiar behind.
People have a tendency to follow the norms of society. It’s been that way for centuries, and it isn’t going to change any time soon. This is especially true in our modern times, when we’re constantly bombarded with media telling us what to think or how to act. Sigmund Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents talks about how humans are inherently primal creatures who want power, success, and wealth but don’t know exactly what will bring them happiness. Obviously following societal norms can help maintain order in society so people can live peacefully together without killing each other all the time (although there’s still plenty of violence). But over time those norms become second nature and make people less likely to question their choices or figure out what makes them truly happy; instead they just do whatever everyone else is doing because it feels natural. That’s why you need to challenge your culturescape by thinking differently from others around you—to realize that there are many different viewpoints on things like religion or politics, which causes diversity. Diversity is important because it gives people a chance not only find out where they fit into this big world but also learn new skills that might be useful later on down the road.
Key Takeaway 2: Extraordinary people are able to identify the “brules,” or “bullshit rules” that they adhere to for no good reason, and discard the ones that don’t suit them.
It may take a long time to figure out how someone’s life is shaped by the rules they live by. For example, a woman who always wanted to be an artist but ended up becoming a lawyer because she didn’t want to disappoint her father might realize years later that it was his rule about having steady income so that she could buy a home that made her become a lawyer in the first place. Although you can never get back all those hours of being unhappy as a lawyer, you can use this epiphany as your starting point for discovering other hidden rules and seeing if there are ways to change them.