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Video Summaries of The Big Lie

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1-Page Summary of The Big Lie


Have you ever been accused of doing something wrong when it’s actually the person accusing you? Maybe your messy partner blames you for all the mess in your apartment?

According to political pundit Dinesh D’Souza, it’s important for conservatives and Republicans to understand that the left accuses them of being fascists. In fact, they’re actually the ones who are fascists!

The author will take you through the Democratic Party’s history and show how it has a lot in common with Nazis. The Democrats are more racist than the Republicans, and they have little respect for traditions that America was founded on. They want to control people by taking away their freedom of speech—just like Hitler did.

You’ll also learn that Mussolini was an excellent socialist, as were the Germans who ran concentration camps. You’ll learn how Franklin Delano Roosevelt and other Democrats set up a fascist system in America.

Big Idea #1: The Left spins the big lie that President Trump and the Republicans are racists and Nazis.

Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was aware of a strange phenomenon he called transference. It happened early in his career.

A big lie is a statement that’s not only false, but one whose falsehood is obvious. It’s an “inversion of the truth.” When someone blames his victims for his misdeeds, he’s inverting the truth and telling a big lie. D’Souza believes that in today’s politics, there are many examples of this kind of lying. One example is when people say racism and Nazism are inherently right-wing (when they’re actually left-wing). American Republicans have even started believing this!

People on the left believe that racism and Nazism are ideologies of the right. They also think that Democrats and progressives have historically fought for emancipation, equality, and civil rights.

The author believes that the American Left is not as bad as it’s made out to be. He says they were actually proponents of slavery and Native Americans extermination, who promoted racial segregation and even opposed the Civil Rights Movement.

The author also believes that the Left is spreading a big lie by accusing Trump and his supporters of racism. The media, academia, and Hollywood are helping to spread it. Chris Hedges claimed that Trump’s presidency was the “dress rehearsal for fascism.” Meanwhile, Ashley Judd said Hitler was in the streets after President Trump won an election.

Democrats have also called Trump a fascist. Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley said that Trump was bringing “fascist appeal right into the White House.”

D’Souza says that the American Left is using Nazi and fascist accusations to attack conservatives. He wants to show that racism has nothing to do with Republicans or conservatives, but rather the political Left are the real fascists.

Big Idea #2: President Trump is no fascist, Nazi or racist.

The terms left wing and right wing originated from the French Revolution. During that time, those who sided with the king sat on the right side of parliament. Those who wanted to overthrow him sat on the left side of parliament.

The author believes that the American Revolution was about economic freedom in the form of capitalism, political freedom and democracy, and religious freedom.

The Right distrusts government and wants to rely on the free-market system. On the other hand, the Left prefers more federal control. However, fascism is not about that at all. Fascism comes from Italian fasci, which means “groups.” Therefore, it’s about collectivism—the idea that groups are stronger than individuals.

The Big Lie Book Summary, by Dinesh D’Souza