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Video Summaries of The Big Leap
We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on The Big Leap, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Gay Hendricks.
1-Page Summary of The Big Leap
Sometimes, adults believe that certain traits are part of their personality. For example, if you were shy in school, you may continue to be shy as an adult. However, it is important to remember that this trait can be changed by discarding the old persona and adopting a new one.
The first time you see someone dive off a cliff, it seems like an incredibly dangerous thing to do. However, if you analyze the situation closely, you’ll realize that they’re actually doing something quite simple and manageable. It’s really just a matter of overcoming your fears and taking action. In fact, people are constantly taking similar leaps every day in order to enjoy life more fully; all they have to do is overcome their fear of failure or change by being willing to take risks.
It’s time to take control of your life and stop making excuses. You can do this by being confident and willing to give up bad habits. In these key points, you will learn how deep breaths set you on the right path, why worrying is a sign of self-sabotage, and how you might need to put your workplace on a diet of complaining.
Big Idea #1: People often resist happiness. It is a natural instinct to avoid feeling good, but breathing can help us overcome this fear.
Life can be difficult, and it’s easy to get caught up in problems. However, if you ask yourself whether you’re truly prepared for a happy life, and if you can imagine an entire day without complaining about anything at all, then perhaps your outlook on life needs some work.
Everyone has their own issues with happiness, and there’s a lot of resistance to feeling good. Despite the fact that we spend so much time trying to feel good, it’s not something that we’re particularly skilled at doing. We don’t really learn in school how to deal with success or happiness; there are no classes on those things.
If you take the time to look within and find out why you’re not as happy as you can be, it’s likely that fear is involved. You may fear achieving your full potential because if you do, there will no longer be any excuses for why your dreams aren’t coming true.
Fear is an emotion that holds people back from achieving their goals. To get past this fear, you need to take action and not be held back by your fears. This can be done with a few breathing techniques that will help calm you down and help you overcome your fear of failure.
When you are about to give a speech, your breath becomes constricted with fear. But if you breathe deeply before the presentation, it will help make the fear less powerful and more controllable.
Big Idea #2: Many people believe that they deserve only limited happiness. They will sabotage themselves when times are going well for them and limit their happiness.
You probably have some dreams that you keep to yourself because they seem unrealistic or out of reach. This is called an upper-limit mindset, and it’s a common obstacle on the road to success. With this mindset in place, you might be experiencing a period of happiness and success, but something inside you tells you that things can’t last forever, so you create unnecessary obstacles for yourself in order to return to “normal.”
It’s common to sabotage ourselves after a great achievement. For example, if your love life is going well, you might make an investment that puts your financial life in jeopardy. However, this doesn’t have to happen. Generally, the upper-limit problem will only appear if you let down your guard after an amazing accomplishment. Take a client named Lois who had been having trouble in her love life and decided to give it one last shot with some therapy sessions from the author of this book.