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Video Summaries of The Adoration Of Jenna Fox

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1-Page Summary of The Adoration Of Jenna Fox

In a future America, seventeen-year-old Jenna Fox awakes from a year-long coma with no memory of her family or her past. She remembers the darkness of her coma, but not the terrible accident that caused it. Her mother encourages her to watch home movies to jog her memory. Her father, a rich doctor and head of a medical research corporation, is usually away on business. Lily, Jenna’s grandmother, is strangely cold towards Jenna. Jenna attempts to reconstruct her world by reading the dictionary and watching the many home videos taken of her childhood. Against Mother’s instructions, she eventually ventures outside the house and meets Mr Bender who lives next door; an artist who shows interest in helping restore some memories for Jenna through art therapy techniques such as drawing pictures based on what she can remember about them (e.g., “draw your first kiss”). On one walk back home from his house she recalls falling into a creek when she was two years old which triggers several other memories including being trapped under water for some time before being rescued by someone else (not clear whether this person was male or female).

Lily takes Jenna to a local Catholic mission. There, she sees a boy her age with black hair. The next day, Mother allows Jenna to go back to school after Lily insists that it would be good for her daughter. On the way there, Jenna meets Dane, who is strangely hypnotic and mysterious. After going to school for the first time, she discovers Ethan and another classmate named Allys are also in her class. Ethan warns her about Dane while Dane warns her about Ethan. She’s assigned a project with Ethan and finds herself attracted to him as they work together on their assignment.

On their way back from the mission, Jenna and Ethan pick up Allys at her volunteer project. She was injured in a fire caused by an accident involving Bio Gel that her father’s company invented. The product can be used to create artificial organs for humans, but it is heavily regulated. Jenna finds a locked closet with a key in it, which she uses to open the door and discovers three computers inside of it. She pulls one out of its mount only to discover that under her skin is blue gel instead of blood.

Jenna confronts her mother about the secret that Jenna’s parents have been keeping from her for years. Her mother explains to Jenna that she had a terrible accident, and only 10% of her brain was able to be saved. The rest of it was reconstructed using Bio Gel, which is illegal because it can’t be used on humans. Jenna starts crying and tells them that she wants everything back the way it was before, but they tell her there’s nothing left to go back to. Father arrives home soon after this discussion and tries explaining things further, but he doesn’t make much sense either. He says that they had no choice but to save Jenna by putting in all this Bio Gel into her body so she could live again as a whole person without any scars or missing limbs like other burn victims who don’t survive their accidents do. They were forced to move away from Boston where everyone knew them so nobody would find out what happened with their daughter since Bio Gel is illegal in most states (and countries).

Later on, Jenna tries to look up news articles about her accident but discovers that she has been blocked from doing so. She talks with Lily who tells her that it’s because her parents don’t want Jenna to know what happened in the car crash. However, they do reveal this information later on and tell Jenna that she was driving while unlicensed and crashed into a cliff, killing Locke and Kara. After talking with Ethan, he reveals his secret: he attacked a drug dealer who had given drugs to his brother which resulted in him overdosing and dying. He warns Jenna not to tell Allys about her artificial body as Allys will report it immediately since she is an android cop. Using Mr. Bender’s computer again, she discovers more secrets: both Locke and Kara were backups of their brains created by their parents for them to testify against someone (possibly the drug dealer).

The Adoration Of Jenna Fox Book Summary, by Mary E. Pearson