Want to learn the ideas in Tb12 Method better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Tb12 Method by Tom Brady here.

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Video Summaries of Tb12 Method

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1-Page Summary of Tb12 Method


Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, has a training manual that reveals his strict regimen. He developed it in collaboration with his longtime trainer and credits this program for his success.

The TB12 Method is best administered by a certified professional. Self-care is an alternative option that can help you stay healthy. The method includes keeping muscles pliable, which makes them less likely to get injured and helps them recover faster if they do get hurt.

Pliability is a form of massage that requires active participation from the person receiving the massage. It also allows people to self-administer by using things like foam rollers and vibrating devices. During pliability, muscles need to be contracted and relaxed in order for it to work properly. The brain needs to be trained so that it can keep muscles in a loose state at all times, which helps them absorb impact better without getting injured as easily. Pliability sessions should last about 20 minutes before or after workouts in order for them to have maximum effect on muscle recovery.

TB12 workouts are different than the typical football workout, because they focus on improving athleticism rather than building muscle. They do this by using bands and high-intensity interval training instead of lifting weights. This is more effective in helping players improve their game on the field because it mimics how they move while playing.

The TB12 Method involves making good decisions in your off-duty hours. To achieve peak performance, you need to balance the foods you eat with alkalinity and acidity. This will help minimize inflammation, which is crucial to being successful at whatever endeavor you choose to pursue. The method was originally designed for elite athletes but has been shown to work well for anyone who’s willing to commit themselves wholeheartedly.

Key Point 1: TB12 helps prevent athletic injuries by training muscles to remain long and soft as they absorb force.

TB12 involves pre- and post-workout pliability sessions, or “prehab” which helps prevent injuries. This is particularly important in football, as it has a high number of concussions and torn ligaments.

The NFL’s commitment to injury prevention has been questioned because of the high number of reported concussions and torn ligaments each year.

TB12 training is not just for professional athletes. It’s also for young players who want to reduce their chance of injury as they get older. Research shows that doing a warmup session before playing sports can help prevent injuries and concussions, especially in impact sports like football. That research was published in 2017 by researchers at the University of Bath. Other studies have found that warming up properly reduces injuries by more than 30%, according to “A Review of Warming-Up Strategies.” While many TB12 techniques are proprietary, there are some similarities between those methods and doctors’ recommendations about how people should stretch before exercising or playing sports. For example, Dr Bill Kelly has said that static stretching isn’t enough; he recommends dynamic stretches—the kind you would do while actually exercising—to prepare your muscles for physical activity.

Key Point 2: The TB12 Method incorporates habits that are profoundly different from those required of traditional football training programs.

The TB12 method recommends training with tension bands and short bursts of aerobic exercise. It does not recommend excessive weightlifting. NFL team and league training, in contrast, heavily emphasizes weightlifting. One NFL trainer articulates a training philosophy that weights prevent injuries in football by activating muscles instead of stressing joints. He argues the exact opposite from what Brady recommends. The Men’s Fitness workout also focuses on weightlifting, which is one reason why it’s so effective for amateur athletes as well

Tb12 Method Book Summary, by Tom Brady