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1-Page Summary of Switch On Your Brain


In Switch on Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health (2013) by Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist shares the latest research about how God created our brains. She outlines a 21-day program that will help you detox your brain of negative thoughts and replace them with healthy ones. Science is catching up with what the Bible has been saying all along—God made us in his image; we are loving people who think positively.

Research has shown that thoughts directly impact brain activity. This concept has been around for centuries, but it’s only recently that we’ve discovered the science behind it. The Bible teaches us to be faithful and have faith in God, so if you’re a believer then this will make sense to you as well. These studies are also backed up by science, which is why they work so well.

God designed human beings to love, care for themselves and others, and be healthy. We have free will to choose our thoughts, which can lead us to feel stressed or depressed. Our unconscious minds make most of the decisions about what we think without us realizing it because 90% of our thoughts happen unconsciously. As a result, when someone is stressed or depressed they don’t realize that their negative thoughts are causing those feelings.

The switch on your brain is the key to optimal health and well-being. It may seem like a simple process, but it’s not easy to do. You have to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and repeat them over and over again until they become ingrained in your unconscious mind.

The first step is to become aware of your internal environment and external forces that are influencing you. This awareness helps you make better choices about what thoughts to think. Next, writing down these thoughts can help solidify positive memories and bring clarity to the matter at hand. Reflecting on this writing helps solve problems and move forward in life. The last step is to actively incorporate new thoughts up to seven times a day.

The following is a five-step process used to get rid of bad habits. It can be repeated every day for 21 days. The minimum time it takes to complete is seven minutes though some people choose to do this practice for longer periods of time.

It’s not a time-limited program, but rather a lifestyle change that will further integrate spirituality into daily life. From this vantage point, science is looked at as a framework through which people can see and admire the intelligence and magnificence of God. Ultimately, it’s God who makes positive changes in someone’s life when they practice thinking positively. People will experience heightened happiness, intelligence, clarity and good health by choosing to think positively.

Key Point 1: God has granted every human the ability to change their thoughts, and, as a result, their physical and mental well being.

God gave humans the ability to control their thoughts. This power is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and it can help them overcome any adverse condition, be it physical or mental.

Author Anita Moorjani wrote about her near-death experience in her book Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing (2012). She’s been battling cancer since 2002. Doctors said she only had hours left to live and that there was nothing they could do for her. During this time, she felt the emotions of those around her as if they were hers. She realized that thinking non-loving thoughts toward herself is what caused the cancer in the first place. In healing herself, she made a choice to love herself by realizing that love is our birthright but society programs us with messages of fear and doubt which clouds our innate loving nature.

Switch On Your Brain Book Summary, by Dr. Caroline Leaf