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1-Page Summary of She Comes First


This book is a guidebook for men who want to learn how to give oral sex. The author argues that women need prolonged and consistent clitoral stimulation before they can reach orgasm, which is best provided through oral sex. He advises men to perform oral sex on their female partners first so that the women can climax and then move on to other sexual acts like penetration.

Many straight couples think that intercourse is the most important part of sex. Some women and men may even believe that female orgasm should be achieved only through vaginal penetration. However, a man’s penis cannot make a woman come during intercourse because the clitoris is too far away from the vagina to be stimulated. Furthermore, it takes time for women to become aroused, but men are more likely to climax quickly and lose interest before their partners are ready. The differences in how women and men get aroused can lead to inequalities in bed with unsatisfied women more often than not.

Orgasm has been an important part of sexuality for centuries. However, in the 1700s, female orgasm became thought to be a secondary aspect of sex. In ancient times, it was believed that women’s fertility depended on whether or not they had orgasms during intercourse. Religion also considered female arousal and sexual desire to be a vital part of spiritual enlightenment. It wasn’t until the eighteenth century when society began to see that men have more sexual needs than women do; this belief has lingered into modern times where male orgasms are seen as an essential part of sex while women’s orgasms are often viewed as optional extras.

Even though cunnilingus is the best method for moving a woman to orgasm, many men dread performing it. Women, likewise, may dread receiving it because of societal stigma against the vulva and ignorance about female anatomy. This can make it difficult for a woman to relax and enjoy a session of cunnilingus.

A man who wants to give his partner consistent orgasms should not be shy about performing oral sex on her. He can eliminate any reservations by learning more about female anatomy and how to perform cunnilingus properly.

Men should perform cunnilingus on their partners more often. It’s an important part of sex, and it can help women achieve multiple orgasms. In order to give a woman multiple orgasms, men need to spend time helping her get there in the first place. Men also need to be patient with their partner after she has an orgasm because it takes some time for them to recover from one before they’re able to have another one. While performing oral sex on a woman, men should be gentle and slow when touching her clitoris because that area is very sensitive.

It’s important for men to know how to give a woman oral sex. By being skilled in this area, they can keep their bedroom playful and creative by introducing new techniques. This will allow them to ensure that their partners are sexually satisfied, increase intimacy with them, and gain confidence.

Key Point 1: To master cunnilingus, a man must commit to learning female anatomy.

Many men are not knowledgeable about female genitalia. This is somewhat understandable because the proper name for that region, the vulva, is often confused with the vagina. The latter refers to a specific part of female anatomy and not to all of it. By learning how to identify each part, men can better understand their partners’ needs and increase their pleasure during sex. They will know which parts are most sensitive and where they should stimulate in order to bring her arousal up further. Knowledge only serves as a way to improve things that are often shrouded in mystery or confusion.

She Comes First Book Summary, by Ian Kerner