Want to learn the ideas in Modern Romance better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, Eric Klinenberg here.
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Video Summaries of Modern Romance
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1-Page Summary of Modern Romance
Overall Summary
Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance is a book that uses comedy and statistics to explore the current dating landscape in modern times. The author, Aziz Ansari, is an actor and comedian who has had some roles on TV shows like Parks & Recreation. He also hosted the MTV Movie Awards in 2010 as well as his own Netflix show called Master of None. This study guide refers to the 2016 Penguin Books reprint edition of this book.
Aziz Ansari partnered with Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist at New York University, to research dating trends. They created Reddit message boards and interviewed many people about their personal experiences in the dating world. The book combines this data with insights from experts, graphical data, and humor to demonstrate how dating has changed over the years.
The book is divided into seven chapters, each of which contains numerous sections. Aziz starts the book with a story about how he met and asked out Tanya but never heard back from her. He realized that this was common among his generation, so he started to question why it was harder for younger generations to find love than older ones.
The book Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari explores the dating process and how technology has changed it. For example, people used to find their spouse in their neighborhood because they didn’t have as many options. Today’s singles are waiting longer than ever to get married and don’t meet their spouses locally. Technology has given them more options but society also views marriage differently now that there are so many single parents around (e.g., divorce, unwed mothers).
Aziz Ansari explores the pros and cons of modern romance, especially online dating. He’s careful to remain neutral, using data and research rather than making a strong argument for or against. In fact, he says that dating has always been affected by the time period in which it’s taking place but still adapts to changing times.
One day, Aziz Ansari was texting a woman named Tanya to invite her to a concert. When she didn’t respond, he became very self-conscious and thought that it was his fault. He began to question why modern romance wasn’t working anymore. After thinking about this for some time, he decided that he had to write a book on the subject.
Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg conducted a research project to understand modern dating. They did this by conducting focus groups, interviews, collecting photos, emails, texts and messages from dating apps as well as using the website Reddit for conversations (subreddits) about modern dating. This book reflects heterosexual middle-class singles’ insights on modern dating.
Chapter 1: “Searching for Your Soul Mate”
In this section, Ansari and Klinenberg go to a retirement home and offer donuts to the residents in exchange for interviews. They find that most of them met their spouses because they lived in the same city or neighborhood. John Ellsworth Jr., a sociologist at Yale, confirms this pattern when he says, “People will go as far as they have to to find a mate, but no farther”. Ansari notes that while older generations and people from small towns marry close to home, this idea seems absurd today: “Think about where you grew up as a kid; your apartment building or your neighborhood. Could you imagine marrying one of those clowns?”.
In the past, people got married and had children at a young age. Today, however, many people are postponing marriage to focus on their careers and education. This is due to emerging adulthood, which allows them to enjoy all of the pleasures of being an adult without settling down.