Want to learn the ideas in Minimalism better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Minimalism by Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus here.
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Video Summaries of Minimalism
We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Minimalism, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus.
1-Page Summary of Minimalism
Last week, did you spend all your time at work and then come home exhausted? Your house is full of gadgets meant to distract you from the dreadfulness of those long work weeks. You might not realize it for yourself, but there’s no happiness in devoting your life to a job that only provides you with a paycheck. And the things we buy to make our jobs easier just clutter up our lives and cause more anxieties and distractions.
This passage is about how to reprogram your mind and body away from the corporate culture of fast food, disposable goods, and instant gratification. The author uses his own experiences as well as those of others to support this point.
In this article, you’ll discover how your home can be decluttered by reading the following points: You don’t have to get rid of all your stuff; you just need to find a place for everything. Your personal space is where you can relax and think clearly. If your job defines who you are, then it’s time to stop that because we’re more than our jobs.
Big Idea #1: Money and stressful jobs are not keys to happiness.
Many people believe that getting a good job is the key to success. However, even wealthy people will tell you that more money brings about more problems. For example, they may have so much stress from their work that they resort to comfort eating or spend money on meaningless gadgets and never enjoy the present moment.
Success often comes at a cost. Successful people spend so much time working that they don’t have enough time to spend with their families, and their children are raised by nannies or other caregivers.
So, in the end, money doesn’t buy happiness. You may have a stressful job that pays well, but is it really worth it? Coauthor Ryan Nicodemus asked this question while working at what many would consider to be an amazing job. He was even on the rise and got promoted to manager, but he suffered from anxiety and depression because of his 80-hour work weeks and huge amounts of responsibility. What it added up to was debilitating stress. Nowadays, Nicodemus believes there is no amount of money that justifies having a stressful job when you’re wrapped up in the “job-is-everything” mentality.
Nicodemus and his co-author thought that $50,000 a year would make them happy. But after they reached that milestone, they realized it wasn’t enough. They wanted to earn more money every year.
People want more money and possessions because they have financial commitments. Once people get enough of those things, they’re no longer happy. Therefore, one way to be happier is to live with less money and possessions. This involves quitting your job and living on a minimalist lifestyle.
Big Idea #2: To begin your shift to minimalism, pay off your debts and declutter your surroundings.
If you were to ask yourself, “what are the anchors that are dragging me down?” it might not be easy to figure out. But there’s a good chance that you’re in debt in some way or another and it’s weighing on your well-being. That’s why the first step of minimalist living is to pay off all of your debts. It doesn’t matter if they’re credit cards, student loans, or mortgages – all debt will weigh you down and make life harder for you.
Joshua Milburn was preparing for a minimalist lifestyle. He saved money and paid off his debts, which gave him relief in finally being debt-free. Now he could live the life he wanted without any financial worries.
While you’re cleaning up your finances, it might be a good time to clean out your stuff.
First of all, you should recognize that your possessions aren’t a good representation of who you are as a person. Instead, ask yourself if they help you live in the present or prevent it from happening.