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1-Page Summary of Millionaire Success Habits


Some people believe that wealth and success are due to luck. However, this is not true. Successful people work hard to achieve their goals. They take risks and do things they’re unfamiliar with in order to succeed. While there’s no guarantee of success, these traits make them more likely to be successful than others who don’t have the same attitude towards risk taking and working hard for what they want out of life.

The difference between successful and average people is that the latter don’t have a million-dollar mindset. If you want this mindset, you need to swap out your limiting beliefs for empowering ones and your harmful habits for successful ones.

Here are some simple principles that will help you achieve your goals.

The author believes that these habits can help you achieve success in all areas of your life, including relationships and health. By spending time on yourself now, you will be able to reach levels of wealth and happiness that are beyond your imagination.

In this article, you will learn why the advice your friends and relatives give you may not be helpful; how a Navajo fable can teach us about success; and what successful people have in common.

Big Idea #1: Act more intentionally and stick to your goals by identifying what truly motivates you.

Most people can’t say what they want out of life. They might state that they don’t want to be poor and lonely, but when it comes to the things that would bring them happiness, they’re not sure.

It’s important to know what you want in life. If you don’t, then how can you expect to achieve your goals? The main message here is that it’s important to identify and stick with the things that motivate you. If someone were going on a long car ride but didn’t know where they were going, they would likely get lost or run out of gas.

If you don’t know where you’re going, then how will you get there? You need to frequently remind yourself of your goals in life. What really drives you is what gets you up in the morning and keeps pushing through when it’s tough.

It’s not always immediately obvious why we do things, but it takes some self-analysis to discover what that is.

The author and his team have developed a process to help people discover their true selves. It’s called 7 Levels Deep, and it can be used by anyone who is willing to follow the process.

The best way to answer a question is by asking why seven times. The first response you give forms the basis for the next question, which forces you to go deeper into your motivations.

Once, the author performed an exercise on a member of his audience. The man revealed that he had been a drug addict when his mother passed away. Ashamed that she’d seen him like this, he spent the rest of his life trying to make amends by doing good in the world.

Your why is important. It will help you figure out what you want to do and how to get there.

Big Idea #2: Overcome the negative forces within you that are holding you back.

The Navajo people have a fable that they tell their children. It goes like this: Inside us all, there are two wolves fighting with one another. One of the wolves is jealous and malicious; it only sees evil in the world and never believes that anything good can come from others. The other wolf is filled with love and compassion; it always tries to achieve its goals because it knows that if you believe in your dreams, you can achieve them.

Which wolf wins the fight? The one you feed. In order to overcome your negative forces, you have to identify them and then work on overcoming them.

Just like the wolf in the fable, we all have a little voice that brings us doubt and discourages our self-esteem. This voice robs enjoyment from life and prevents us from moving forward with our lives. We need to learn how to shut off this voice by being mindful of bad habits that feed it.

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Millionaire Success Habits Book Summary, by Dean Graziosi