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1-Page Summary of Medical Medium
Medical Medium Liver Rescue is a book that was written by Anthony William. He’s the author of several books about health and wellness, with this one focusing on liver support and rejuvenation. In Medical Medium Liver Rescue, he explains how to understand liver support and rejuvenation in order to improve overall health.
Today, millions of people in the United States have some form of chronic illness. Doctors still don’t fully understand why this happens, and they’ve made little progress toward finding a cure.
Most people don’t think about their livers, but they should. The liver is the body’s largest internal organ and it performs many important functions for the human body. It maintains a healthy balance of certain chemicals in our bodies, helps digest food, and stores energy from that food to be used later by cells throughout the body. The liver works without rest or even much thought from its owner until something goes wrong with its functioning (i.e., when it becomes diseased).
The liver performs many functions. It processes fats, guards against viruses, and neutralizes dangerous toxins. The liver also stores nutrients such as glycogen and glucose, which it can use when needed to keep the body healthy. In addition, this organ has its own immune system that protects it from viruses so deep inside the body that doctors are unaware of its existence. The liver is also very intelligent; for example, it knows how much bilirubin to produce in order to break down fat effectively.
Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle is not good for our liver health. Stress, environmental toxins, high-fat diets and alcohol consumption all place an undue burden on the liver. Regardless of a particular health diagnosis, many physical symptoms can be traced back to the liver. However, most doctors are unaware of this link between symptoms and the liver. They base their treatment on medical research which is founded on theories that may or may not be accurate depending on how they’re interpreted by each doctor who practices them in his own way based on what he thinks after examining you with imaging tests and so forth. In other words it’s hard for doctors to give absolute answers because there isn’t enough information available about your condition and therefore they have to guess at what might be wrong with you based upon their experience as well as whatever tests they run in order to figure out why you’re sick or how best to treat your sickness if indeed you do have one.
For example, when a person gains weight, it’s usually attributed to their metabolism slowing down. However, usually the cause is that they have too many viruses in their body and this leads to liver problems which can lead to storing fat.
Fortunately, proper nutrition can help the liver regenerate. The liver is designed to do so, but it needs extra help after years of being overloaded with toxins and other burdens. Many foods support optimal liver function, including wild blueberries, apples, asparagus, brussels sprouts and more.
In addition to informing people about the health benefits of a diet, learning more about the liver helps them see it as a remarkable organ. Knowing that this organ can bury harmful viruses deep within itself might make people more eager to provide their livers with good nourishment. People might think twice before indulging in wine, steaks, ice cream and other foods that burden the liver and instead see it as an ally always there when they need it.
The liver is more than an organ. It carries within it a deep wisdom that can be used to improve our physical, spiritual and emotional well being. Respecting the liver will lead to peace of mind and happiness, which we can then share with others in our lives.