Want to learn the ideas in Maximum Achievement better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy here.

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Video Summaries of Maximum Achievement

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1-Page Summary of Maximum Achievement

“Make Your Life a Masterpiece”

To achieve your goals and be happy in life, you need peace of mind. You also need to be healthy and have energy. If you don’t have loving relationships, then you’re not going to be successful. Moreover, it’s important that you have financial freedom so that money doesn’t control your life. You should also strive for worthy goals and ideals because if your life lacks direction or purpose then it will just seem like a meaningless routine with no point at all.

  1. Self-awareness is important to know who you are. You should identify yourself and master your dreams.

“The Seven Laws of Mental Mastery”

Life is not easy. You have to accept that and move on. Don’t think about how life limits you or prevents you from achieving your dreams. Follow these seven laws, which will help you gain control of your attitude and your life: 1. “The law of control” – When you’re in charge of things, things are good; when you’re not, it’s bad for both your mind and body 2.”The law of cause and effect” – Change the way you think, change the way things happen

  1. If you think of yourself as a winner, you will win. If you think of yourself as a loser, then you’ll never be successful.

  2. “The law of expectations” – When people expect good things to happen, they will. People who have high expectations tend to succeed more than those with low expectations.

  3. “The law of attraction” – Are you a positive person who attracts others? Or are you negative and repel people? Happy people attract others. So be as happy as possible to become a magnet for the right kind of people.

  4. “The law of correspondence” states that if you feel good on the inside, your life will be good on the outside. “As within, so without.” The second is “the law of mental equivalency,” which means that what you think about comes to pass.

“The Master Program”

A positive attitude is extremely important. It determines how you view things and what your life will be like in the future. A positive self-concept helps you achieve this because it controls your beliefs, which determine your expectations. The way you see yourself now can be changed by adopting a “positive self-ideal.” You need to think about who you want to become and then try to live up to that vision of yourself. If you have a negative self-concept, change it by flooding your mind with positive thoughts for 21 days so that they become ingrained into your subconscious mind; thus changing the way you perceive yourself and act toward others.

“The Master Mind”

Your mind has the power to make things happen. Think about what you want to achieve and set your goals. Then, spend a day thinking only about those goals and nothing else. Don’t allow any negative thoughts into your head. If you find yourself thinking negatively, try substituting positive thoughts for them instead. Focus on what is possible rather than impossible; it will help you get there faster.

In the late 1800s, a doctor in Geneva found that his patients were recovering faster than others. It wasn’t due to any miracle drug but rather because of positive thinking. The doctor told each patient “Every day in every way I’m feeling better and better.” The nurses would tell the patients “You’re looking better and better every day.” This type of positive thinking will lead to miracles.

“The Master Skill”

Oil magnate H.L. Hunt recovered from bankruptcy and ruin, and made billions. He followed a simple formula for achievement: First, decide exactly what it is you want; second, determine the price you’re going to have to pay to get it; third, resolve to pay that price; fourth, develop a plan of action—a goal-oriented course of action—and do whatever is necessary to achieve your objective; fifth, in order for your plans or goals to succeed you must be willing and able to change when change is needed but never lose sight of your original purpose or intent (your vision); sixth, if there’s anything sound in the philosophy of self-help books it’s this: set big goals (not small ones) because they give you something worth fighting for; seventh, set deadlines by which time certain things must be accomplished so that progress can be checked periodically and adjustments made as necessary…

Maximum Achievement Book Summary, by Brian Tracy