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Video Summaries of Make Your Own Luck

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1-Page Summary of Make Your Own Luck


Imagine that you’re trying to get a big investment for your business. You need venture capital, and there’s an investor who could make the deal happen in New York City. For over a year, you do everything you can to contact him—you call his secretary and her assistant, send flowers, leave messages—but nothing works.

One day, you enter an office building through a revolving door. As the doors move around, you see your prospect and introduce yourself to him. The next morning, you have coffee with him in his richly appointed office. You successfully close the deal. This may seem like a farfetched story but it’s true and there are ways to make this happen more often if we know how our prospects think and what they want to achieve from their careers.

The Mystery of Connection

These coincidences happen a lot, and they’re not just random. For example, an executive flew to another coast for a meeting with one of his clients but found himself playing golf with that client instead. Or how about the TV producer who discovered a potential host when he dialed the wrong number? There are many more examples like these if you look at them closely enough.

A connection is a relationship between two or more things. It could be related to the web of life, which is the relationships that exist in nature. For example, if you were stopped for an expired license plate and during the course of writing it up you realized that your long-lost father was driving. You would have formed a connection with him because you didn’t know he was living there before then.

What if serendipity happens all the time? In fact, it does. However, most people aren’t prepared to accept unexpected opportunities that come at unexpected times. It’s as if a gift is being offered and we refuse it.

Is Your Universe Friendly?

Albert Einstein once said that everyone must answer one question: Is the universe friendly? The way you act and react to coincidences will hinge on your answer. If you believe in the friendliness of the universe, you’ll see opportunities everywhere. You can take advantage of those opportunities by trusting them and acting upon them.

David Sarnoff set out to find a job as a reporter for a newspaper. He got lost on the way and ended up at the Herald. There, he accidentally wandered into the office of Commercial Cable Company and was offered a messenger boy position. He took it because he needed to make money quickly in order to buy food. Later, David would go work for Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company where he worked his way up from being an errand boy to becoming its president later on down the road when it became RCA (Radio Corporation of America).

The Good You Do…

Serendipity is not just a random event, but rather something that happens for a reason. It’s the story of how Winston Churchill was saved from drowning by a farmer who found him in the bog.

Churchill’s father went to pay the poor farmer a visit. He offered the farmer a reward for saving his son’s life. The farmer steadfastly refused, but Churchill’s father saw that he had run out of money and wanted something in return for raising his son. So, Churchill’s father decided to set aside some money to put him through school and give him a better education than what he could offer on his own.

A farmer’s son went to medical school and became a famous doctor. He discovered penicillin, which saved Winston Churchill’s life when he had pneumonia.

The Value of Values

The most important factor in your success is your values. You need to understand that business takes place best when there’s trust among the players, and that requires acting ethically toward others. Most people don’t realize this, but everyone has an inner voice telling them right from wrong, and they pay a price for ignoring it.

Make Your Own Luck Book Summary, by Kate Moross