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1-Page Summary of Living Forward


In order to prevent drifting and live a proactive life of success without regrets, it’s important to have a concrete plan. The authors explain how to create such a plan and share various examples of people who used their plans in positive ways. If one’s goals are not met or if passion is lost in some aspect of one’s life, it may mean that they’re drifting from day-to-day instead of being proactive. For example, if someone has lost motivation at work or feels overwhelmed by the responsibilities he/she must fulfill, his/her career account might be low on balance (or even negative). A Life Plan can help restore balance by making progress forward towards achieving goals that will bring more fulfillment into the person’s life.

Regular updates and revisions to the Life Plan will keep it up-to-date, so that people can use it as a tool to get back on track if they feel like their life is drifting.

Key Takeaways

Drifting can happen to anyone. The consequences of drifting are different depending on the person and their situation.

A Life Plan is a document that helps people answer questions about their life and goals. It outlines steps to achieve those goals, as well as answers some specific questions they may have regarding their lives.

A Life Plan brings a number of benefits to the planner’s life. It helps them figure out what their priorities are, and how they can achieve those goals. The first step is for people to think about the end of life and legacy that they leave behind; then they should write down their plans by prioritizing each goal with importance and urgency.

A Life Plan should have a detailed, concrete action plan with multiple sections that give context to the goals people want to achieve and how they will go about doing so.

Life Plans can help people achieve their goals. Businesses should encourage employees to create Life Plans because it will help them improve their performance at work.

Key Takeaway 1: Drifting through life can happen to anyone for various reasons. Its consequences can vary depending on the person, situation, and reasons for drifting.

Drifting happens for many reasons. Some people are unaware of what’s going on in their life or what is at stake, they’re distracted by a hobby or career, overwhelmed with responsibilities and commitments, or deceived by their own mind. Regardless of the reason for drifting, it can lead to 5 consequences: confusion about life’s meaning and direction; wasted time and money; lost opportunities; physical pain from poor health; emotional pain due to lack of fulfillment

Drifting can happen to anyone. It’s not just a problem for young people; it happens to people of all ages and career levels. For example, someone who seems driven and motivated may be drifting aimlessly through their courses without knowing how what they’re learning might apply to the future. They may find themselves getting a job with honors but have no idea what they want in life.

Sometimes, people get bored because they don’t have a lot of stimulation in their lives. However, sometimes the opposite is true and people are overstimulated by technology or other things that take up all their time. This can cause them to feel like nothing matters anymore because there’s too much noise around them. To combat this problem, you should exercise presence and mindfulness so that you’re not distracted by everything else going on in your life and can focus on what’s happening right now. You could also try meditation or consciously change your thoughts to make yourself think about something else instead of being stressed out about everything else going on around you.

Living Forward Book Summary, by Michael Hyatt, Daniel Harkavy