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1-Page Summary of Liars, Leakers, and Liberals


If you rely on mainstream media, you may think that the Trump presidency is a disaster and that he’s an idiot. However, according to this author, that’s not true. The president is fighting hard to make America great again.

The author argues that the left, as well as the political, law-enforcement and intelligence establishments are working against Trump. They seek nothing less than his destruction and care nothing for votes or feelings of Americans who support him with pride.

In the following passage, you’ll learn how biased and unfair the media has been in its reporting about Trump. You’ll see how intelligence agencies are trying to undermine his administration by pursuing a witch hunt against him. And you’ll see that he is a good president who wants to make America great again.

People should know that Hollywood stars don’t criticize Obama. They’re afraid of him, but they constantly criticize Trump because he’s standing up to the liberals who want to protect illegal immigrants. It’s Hillary Clinton who really colluded with Russia and not Donald Trump.

Big Idea #1: The media today is unashamed to lie in an attempt to damage Donald Trump’s presidency.

It’s hard to believe, but there was a time when Donald Trump and the media were on good terms. In fact, you couldn’t walk past a newsstand without seeing his face smiling back at you in various magazines from the 1980s and 1990s. The coverage of Trump included all aspects of his life – whether it was about business deals or charitable donations. It wasn’t always positive coverage though; for instance, they never held back when reporting on issues with his casinos or his wealth falling in the 1990s. But it was always fair – running well-researched stories that gave both sides of an argument whenever possible.

In the past, journalists were more concerned with accuracy and objectivity. Today, however, they are so passionate about their dislike of Trump that they create false stories about him.

Trump has an award for fake news stories. One winner is ABC’s Brian Ross, who reported that Michael Flynn was going to testify against Trump and that he had ordered him to contact Russia before the election. This story was based on poor sources and it proved to be completely false – more like tabloid gossip than investigative journalism.

Ross is not stupid, but he allowed his hatred of Trump to cloud his judgment. A Pew Research Center study shows that 62% of all stories about Trump are negative compared with 20% for Obama and 28% for George W Bush. This has been exacerbated by the realization from station chiefs and newspaper bosses that anti-Trump lies sell more papers than truth. The New York Times hit a million online readers for the first time during the election campaign, while post-election subscriptions increased 132,000 new subscribers in two months at the Washington Post. Magazines like the New Yorker and Atlantic set subscription records after Trump was elected president as well because they know anti-Trump lies sell better than truth; so they continue to lie about him even though it’s harmful to their credibility.

Big Idea #2: Hollywood is stuffed full of lying, hypocritical liberals who think they are better than the rest of us.

The liberal media and Hollywood celebrities are not the only people who dislike Trump. In fact, a lot of wealthy individuals in Hollywood share that sentiment.

Hollywood is hypocritical when it comes to Trump, as they’re outraged by him but were silent about Obama. Celebrities like Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler are giving up showbiz for activism full time because of what happened with the election of Donald Trump. They think that’s a good idea, but there’s nothing wrong with activism alone. However, Hollywood reserves its outrage for Trump and not Obama or George W Bush before him.

Liars, Leakers, and Liberals Book Summary, by Jeanine Pirro