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1-Page Summary of Infidel


The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity is a book by sex and relationship expert Esther Perel that looks at the reasons why people cheat, what cultures think about cheating, how to deal with it in relationships. The author takes an unbiased approach to infidelity and considers the perspectives of both cheaters and those who have been cheated on.

Infidelity is hard to define, but it usually involves a sexual and emotional connection with someone outside of the primary relationship. Estimates vary widely about how many Americans cheat because people aren’t honest about infidelity; approximations range between 30-70% men and women.

In the United States, infidelity has become more common. People view their partners as consumer goods to compare and consume. Dating apps have made this trend even worse because people can easily find other people to date on those apps. At the same time, Americans are increasingly isolated which means that they need deep connections with others but when a partner cheats it’s especially hurtful for them.

People cheat because of problems in their primary relationship. However, some people cheat to find themselves or escape from their past. The damage done depends on a number of factors such as gender and immigration status. Although it’s very destructive, infidelity isn’t the worst kind of betrayal. Violence is worse than cheating since it can cause serious harm to others.

When deciding whether to admit to an affair, it is sometimes better not to tell your partner. This may cause unnecessary harm and pain.

Once the secret is out, the person who was betrayed should be given time to grieve. The other partner can then make amends by going above and beyond expectations. It may help for them to evaluate how they contributed to the crisis in their relationship. They could also consider restorative justice instead of revenge. Affairs may ultimately strengthen a primary partnership by enabling it to reevaluate and reset itself.

Infidelity can teach us a lot about relationships. One thing we can learn from cheaters is to allow our partners freedom and work together to expand our sexual boundaries. Polyamory offers another model that could reduce the desire for infidelity. Consensual non-monogamy means that freedom and cheating are built into the relationship.

Infidelity is a part of human nature. We cannot remove it from society, but we can change our perception of it.

Key Point 1: Infidelity takes many forms, but it typically involves emotional connection, sexual chemistry, and stealth.

Each person has his or her own definition of romantic disloyalty. Some say it includes porn, strip clubs, and emotional affairs while others maintain that it refers strictly to sex. An affair may last one drunken night or three decades in general but most share the characteristics of being emotionally involved with someone else, having an erotic connection with them and keeping their relationship secret from their partner.

Emotional affairs can be just as damaging as physical ones. A person who is emotionally involved with someone else may not even realize it, because an emotional affair doesn’t involve sex. It’s important to identify this type of infidelity and deal with the problem before it gets worse. One way to do that is by asking yourself a few questions: Would you approve if your partner had similar interactions with another man or woman? Are there changes in your primary relationship, such as a decrease in sexual activity? Do you find yourself talking about the other person all the time? If so, then something might be wrong.

Infidel Book Summary, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali