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Video Summaries of How to Be A Bawse

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1-Page Summary of How to Be A Bawse


Have you ever wondered how YouTubers get millions of subscribers? Well, Lilly Singh is here to teach us all the tricks of the trade.

The author gives you tips and advice on how to be successful in life. In order to do that, she explains the fundamentals of success. The book is not just about being successful on YouTube, but also in any area of your life. It shows you how to stop dreaming and start becoming who you want to be by providing the tools necessary for success. Some of these key points include: what a vision board is; why it’s good to be the dumbest person in the room sometimes; and when it’s okay to break some rules.

Big Idea #1: Become friends with your mind by improving your self-awareness.

A person’s mind can be both a helpful tool and an obstacle. It either creates new ideas or holds on to old ones. The best way for your brain to work for you is by becoming self-aware. You need to befriend yourself, which will help you see things more clearly.

To be self-aware, you must examine the layers of your issues and peel them back. There are three layers to each issue that each need to be examined before you reach the root cause.

The author is dealing with the issue of not having a romantic partner. To explain her strategy, she uses a metaphor to describe how people can have different layers of reasoning for why they’re doing something. For example, the first layer could be that she’s too busy with work and building her career; at another level might be that committing to a relationship would interfere with achieving her goals. At yet another level, the author may find it difficult to balance both aspects in life.

But she keeps her distance from people because of a bad experience in the past. She was hurt by someone close to her, and this made her believe that all relationships are painful.

If you want to resolve a personal issue, you must first understand its root cause. You should be completely honest with yourself and not let your emotions get the better of you. Once you do that, then you can start working on solving it. In order to achieve self-awareness, one must conquer his or her negative thoughts and feelings by understanding why they occur in the first place. Some pointers are: don’t take things personally; happiness is a better motivator than fear; if something makes someone happy, he or she will work towards it even though sometimes those goals may seem impossible at first glance; finally, success comes from taking action despite failures along the way.

To be self-aware, you must first identify the root cause of your issue and manage negative thoughts and emotions.

Big Idea #2: You can train your mind for success.

If you want to be physically stronger, you head to the gym and work out. Similarly, if you want to strengthen your mind, there are three methods that will help. First is setting goals for yourself. For example, set a goal of finishing a task in a certain amount of time. Once you reach that goal, try to beat it by working faster or longer than before. Second is rewarding yourself every time you meet your goals; ask a friend to hold your phone hostage until you finish what they assign as homework (e.g., send them an email with three things they did well today). Third is challenging yourself not do something bad habitually; if you’re a nail-biter who wants to stop biting his nails for 24 hours straight each day without breaking the chain (i.e., not biting one’s nails), resetting the clock every time he does bite his nails before 24 hours have passed since starting this challenge.

It’s important to have self-control, but you also need to give yourself a break. In order for your mind to relax and recover, you should take some time off every now and then.

How to Be A Bawse Book Summary, by Lilly Singh