Want to learn the ideas in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling here.

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Video Summaries of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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1-Page Summary of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


The book starts off at King’s Cross Station, where Albus Potter and Rose Granger-Weasley are boarding the Hogwarts Express for their first year. Albus is afraid he will be sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor like his father Harry was. On the train, Scorpius Malfoy makes friends with Albus and they become best friends throughout their time at Hogwarts. Despite being sorted into Slytherin, Albus becomes popular by showing no particular magical aptitude (unlike his father), which widens the distance between him and his cousin Rose Granger-Weasley.

Draco Malfoy is plagued by rumors that Voldemort used a Time-Turner to impregnate his wife Astoria in order to give birth to Scorpius. He asks Harry Potter for a statement that all Time-Turners have been destroyed, but Amos Diggory and Delphi want him to go back in time and save Cedric from being killed by Voldemort.

Harry gives his son a gift for the holidays. The younger boy is disappointed that it’s just a blanket and not anything more exciting, so they argue about Albus’s school problems and Harry says he sometimes wishes Albus wasn’t his son. When Albus returns to Hogwarts, Harry begins having strange dreams of Voldemort again after nineteen years.

Amos and Delphi Diggory are in trouble because their son Cedric is about to be killed, but Albus (Harry Potter’s son) and Scorpius (Albus’ best friend) offer to help them. They want to use a Time-Turner from the Ministry of Magic to go back in time and save Cedric by stopping him from winning the Triwizard Tournament. To do that, they need Polyjuice Potion so that they can disguise themselves as Durmstrang students.

Harry and Draco find Albus and Scorpius outside Hogwarts. They are transported back to the present, but only for five minutes. The centaur Bane warns Harry that there is a “dark cloud” around his son.

The next day, the meddling with time yields small changes. Ron is married to Padma Patil, Hermione is a teacher at Hogwarts, and Albus is now in Gryffindor. They go back in time to sabotage Cedric’s Second Task of the tournament. When they return to the future, Scorpius can’t find Albus and is informed by Headmistress Umbridge that Harry Potter was killed during a failed coup on the school at the Battle of Hogwarts; Albus does not exits. Scorpius goes to Severus Snape, who in this narrative is still alive, to ask for help. He explains that this world’s Harry Potter was killed during a failed coup on their world’s version of Hogwarts at the Battle of Hogwarts; he doesn’t exist here either. Snape leads them to The Order Of The Phoenix where they use their Time-Turner (a magical device which allows you travel through time) again so that Albus isn’t able to cast his spell on Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff house (the champion for Ravenclaw). When they arrive back after using it twice because there are two versions of each person but only one can live per timeline/universe), Dementors appear and suck out Hermione Granger’s soul along with Ron Weasley’s soul while also killing Severus Snape in this new timeline created by them messing around with time too much instead of just using it once like they were supposed too originally do when they were trying save Harry from Voldemort but then decided screw it let’s mess around with time even though we don’t know how cause we’re idiots who think we know better than everyone else about everything except what our actual jobs are which are saving people lives instead of playing god with other people lives without any regard for consequences or possible outcomes or any sort reason whatsoever cause fuck everyone else right?

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Summary, by J.K. Rowling