Want to learn the ideas in Goals better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Goals by Brian Tracy here.

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Video Summaries of Goals

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1-Page Summary of Goals

Have a Good Day

The United States is doing well, and there are more millionaires than ever before. In 1900, only 5,000 Americans were millionaires; today that number has grown to five million. This trend will continue in the next 20 years as more people become self-made millionaires. It’s an exciting time to live in America because of this growth in wealth and prosperity for many people.

Brian Tracy dropped out of high school at 18, worked as a dishwasher, car washer and floor washer. He drifted from job to job and slept in his car or flophouses. He moved up the ladder to commission sales, door-to-door calls and cold calling.

Then his life changed. What changed it? He wrote down a crazy goal: to make $1,000 a month in commissions. Within a month, he discovered a new way to close sales and was offered $1,000 per month to run the sales force and teach others his winning technique. Pretty soon, he was an in-demand sales manager who moved from job to job up the management ladder with pockets full of cash.

In the book, The Millionaire Messenger, Grant Cardone shares his story of how he became a millionaire. He attributes it to writing down goals and following through on them. Many people who have done this are now millionaires too. However, there were obstacles in his way such as bankruptcy and starting over with nothing several times but he found that by writing down his goals at the beginning of each year, he was able to achieve them.


You have a lot of potential, but you need to focus on goals. No matter where you start, know where you’re going. You can get there. The way that people think about things determines how they act and what they become. Change your thinking to change your behavior and who you are.

People who fail tend to focus on what they don’t want. They talk about all the things that keep them from success, rather than focusing on what they really want and how they’re going to achieve it. When you set a goal, even if you don’t know exactly how to achieve it, your subconscious mind will start working towards that goal without you having to think about it consciously. If goals are so important for achieving success, why aren’t more people setting them? The answer is simple:

  • People think that goals don’t matter. They have no idea how to set a goal, and they’re afraid of failing or being rejected. To avoid these problems, you must set clear, specific goals—not vague ones such as “be happy.” You should really want your goals because if you don’t care about them enough, you won’t achieve them. To set your goals and reach your potential, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you really want? 2. What activities do you find most satisfying? 3. How would your life look if everything was perfect? 4. Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative?

  • What sacrifices will you make to achieve your goals? What should you do now to get closer to achieving them?

Take Control

The only person who can change your life is you. No one else can do it for you. The biggest obstacle to success is negativity and the negative emotions that come with it, such as anger, inferiority, jealousy, envy and fear. To eliminate these negative emotions, take these steps: * Accept setbacks as opportunities to grow instead of making a case for anger or other negative emotions. * Recognize that rationalization doesn’t help anyone in the long run; don’t make excuses about why things didn’t work out for you. * Live in reality and stop living up to what others think of you; be true to yourself first so that others will respect your authenticity. * Acknowledge that everything starts with taking responsibility for your own life; once you accept this responsibility, then move forward by making decisions and choices based on what’s best for you instead of just letting things happen without any effort on your part. These steps will help: * ”Examine yourself” – why are we responsible? Explain this point thoroughly because people sometimes forget how important they are when they’re not happy with their lives or careers; remind them of how powerful they are if they want something badly enough.

Goals Book Summary, by Brian Tracy