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Video Summaries of Girl, Wash Your Face

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1-Page Summary of Girl, Wash Your Face


A lot of people think they have to settle for less in life. They believe that they’ll never find the right job, or that their sex life will always be average. But you don’t have to accept those things as fact—you can change them! There’s a simple truth about your ability to control and improve your future: You are in charge of your own destiny.

Everyone has the power to choose their own life. Sometimes, you need a little inspiration to get out of a bad situation and make that change. This book will help guide you with some key points and stories from the author’s life as well as God’s guidance to achieve your goals today rather than tomorrow or next month or year.

The author shares three key points in this article. First, you should stop breaking promises to yourself because it’s a bad habit. Second, you should never take no for an answer when pursuing your dreams because that will keep you focused on success. Third, a $1,000 purse kept the author relentlessly focused on her goals and helped her achieve them.

Big Idea #1: Stop breaking promises to yourself – act on your goals today.

Have you ever made a commitment to yourself and not followed through on it? Perhaps you promised yourself that after work, you would go for a jog, but then decided against it when your friend invited you out for drinks. Or maybe in the beginning of learning French, you were enthusiastic and excited about the language, but now have given up because your books are collecting dust.

Far too often, we break the promises that we make to ourselves. Let’s look at this from a different perspective. Consider a hypothetical friend named Pam who is always cancelling on you and has pathetic excuses for doing so. For example, she might say: “I’d love to play tennis with you like we agreed, but I’m watching this great show on Netflix.” She also claims to be starting a diet but then eats pizza later in the day instead of eating healthier foods like salads or fruits which are better for her body and mind.

If you were to make a promise to someone and then break it, chances are that person would be upset with you. If this happened repeatedly, he or she might lose respect for you. This is what happens when we do the same thing with ourselves by breaking our own promises. It’s important not to let yourself down over and over again because if you do, how can anyone have confidence in your ability to keep any promise?

Try to form the habit of keeping your promises. You can make it easier by making them realistic. If you want to run a half marathon, don’t promise yourself that you’ll sign up and then do it. Start by promising yourself that you’ll run one mile a day, four times a week. That’s something that is easy for most people to keep their word on because they know they can do it. Once someone has proven to themselves that they can do this, then promising themselves that they will run two miles four times a week won’t seem so hard anymore because now there’s proof in the pudding (or running)

If you keep trying to do what you say, your mind will learn to be more reliable. You’ll build a new kind of expectation for yourself and it will become easier to stick with things in the future. That has got to be better than being like Pam.

Big Idea #2: Your dreams are no one else’s to manage, so don’t take no for an answer.

The author often gets asked how she became so successful. She attributes her success to getting up early each morning and working hard, asking for help when needed, being willing to fail repeatedly until she succeeds, and other actions common among successful people. But what makes the difference? What is the key that unlocks success?

Girl, Wash Your Face Book Summary, by Rachel Hollis