Changeology Book Summary, by John C. Norcross

Want to learn the ideas in Changeology better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Changeology by John C. Norcross here.

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Video Summaries of Changeology

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1-Page Summary of Changeology

Do You Want to Change?

Do your bad habits interfere with your life? Maybe you drink too much, smoke, eat too much or have an addiction. You might not be able to maintain a successful relationship and also suffer from multiple behavioral problems. Whatever the problem is that you want to change, this program – which has been tested on thousands of people for more than 30 years – can help you overcome those bad habits. It works because it gets rid of five myths about changing one’s behavior:

  1. Upwards of 75% of people who successfully change their negative behaviors do so without professional help.

  2. Most people’s goals and resolutions are usually trivial. People can change their lives for the better by stopping bad habits, such as taking drugs, drinking alcohol excessively, smoking cigarettes and eating too much.

  3. “Change requires only willpower.” True, but it’s not the whole story. Willpower is important when you’re trying to make a change, but it’s not the most critical factor in that equation.

  4. Genetics plays a part, but it does not make you who you are. Your behavior affects your biology much more than your biology affects your behavior.

  5. “I can’t change; I’ve tried before” is a common excuse for those who don’t want to improve themselves. However, there are many ways to change and succeed in doing so. The key is using the right approach.

You Can Change

Self-efficacy is the belief that you can change. The Changeology program works if you meet three criteria: 1) you have a problem, 2) faithfully apply the lessons in this book, 3) are willing to change. Some people may need professional help but thousands of individuals have made major changes without it using these techniques.

When you want to improve your life, think about four categories of things: bad habits (oversleeping and being late), new goals (learning how to speak in public), relationships (making and keeping friends), and life satisfaction (becoming happier or more spiritual).

The process of change is always the same. First, you think about changing a problem you know you have but aren’t ready to fix yet. Then, you take small steps towards fixing that problem. Next, you commit to fixing it and work hard on doing so. Finally, once your new habit is established as part of your routine, then the goal has been achieved. Those who follow this method are more likely to succeed than those who don’t do it step-by-step in order

“Change Catalysts”

You can make multiple changes at the same time. For instance, you should work on your diet and exercise simultaneously. However, it’s best to focus on one change at a time. You can use catalysts for specific changes such as setting goals and rewarding yourself when you reach them or changing your environment so that it supports those changes. To start making these behavioral adjustments take five steps:

1. “Psych: Getting Ready”

To get things done, you need to establish your goals and prepare to change. You want to make sure that your goal is positive instead of negative, so don’t think about stopping procrastination; just try planning ahead and staying on schedule. Make sure that your goal is realistic by thinking through the causes, consequences, and cures of the problem you’re trying to solve. Ask yourself three questions:

  • When we try to figure out what is wrong with us, it is important to look at the past. We should ask ourselves why this problem exists and how it has affected our lives. Once we identify a solution, we can then find ways of achieving that goal.

Getting in touch with your emotions is a good way to motivate yourself for change. Examine your fear of changing and think about the future you’ll gain by making these changes. Commit to this change wholeheartedly, talk out loud about it, create a slogan that expresses your commitment (for example “I can do this”), join groups of people who are committed to similar goals and find an inspirational mentor from history or today who will help guide you through this process.

Changeology Book Summary, by John C. Norcross