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1-Page Summary of Breakthrough


Brain functioning can be changed and improved. It’s possible to have a more positive outlook, better health, and improved relationships if you change your brain. Dr. Amen has been able to improve the brains of his patients by using SPECT scans as well as other techniques that he outlines in Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.

The brain is the organ that governs everything in our lives. It affects how we talk, feel, learn, create, move and relate to others. Doctors can use scans of the brain to see what’s going on inside it by using SPECT imaging (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography). This type of scan shows where there are either too much or too little activities in different sectors of the brain and helps them identify whether a person has had a traumatic injury or infection which is harming their brain. The scan also shows if someone suffers from certain medical conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ADD and can show doctors where they need to work with patients who have these problems through medication and supplements as well as psychological behavioral interventions. Blanket diagnoses do not help people because they don’t take into account each individual’s specific problems; frequently overlapping ones exist in different areas of the brain.

Having an image of a healthy brain can inspire people to be proactive about their health. When they see how the healthy brain works, it will encourage them to adopt new behaviors and approaches that have a lasting impact on their brains and in turn improves their overall quality of life.

A book called “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” was published by Harmony Press in 1999.

Key Takeaways

Using SPECT imaging to diagnose a variety of conditions, such as depression and compulsive thinking, helps reduce the stigma associated with them.

Taking responsibility for your brain health can help you combat the natural aging process and address other health conditions.

A patient should be treated with a holistic approach. That means the treatment should address four areas: biology, psychology, social life and spirituality. The limbic system is responsible for emotions and memories. It helps people bond with others but can also make them feel sad or pessimistic if it’s not working well. The basal ganglia are in charge of integrating feelings, thoughts and movement as well as forming habits; therefore they play an important role in anxiety disorders.

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the most evolved part of the brain and acts as an executive decision maker. Signs of PFC imbalance include short attention span, poor judgment, disconnection from emotion, and ADD.

The anterior cingulate gyrus is responsible for flexibility and adaptability. It helps people move forward, instead of being stuck in the past or worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.

The temporal lobes are responsible for long-term memories, language skills, and social cues. Signs of imbalance in this area include aggression, violence, and emotional instability.

Key Takeaway 1: Using SPECT imaging helps decrease the stigma associated with a range of conditions, such as depression and compulsive thinking, by understanding them through a medical rather than a moral framework.

A common belief is that people have some control over their behavior. If a person has cardiovascular disease, for example, it’s generally accepted to be a physical condition and there isn’t much shame associated with brain-related conditions even though they are also physical conditions. However, SPECT imaging helps family members understand the biological roots of mood swings and erratic behavior so they can show more compassion toward those who are suffering from these problems. It improves relationships between patients and other people as well

Breakthrough Book Summary, by Michael C. Grumley