Benjamin Franklin Book Summary, by Walter Isaacson

Want to learn the ideas in Benjamin Franklin better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson here.

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1-Page Summary of Benjamin Franklin


A biography of Einstein was written to understand why he was such a great scientist. The book reveals that there were many factors that influenced him, including his rebellious nature and curiosity.

Certain people throughout history have transformed their fields of expertise. Henry Ford revolutionized industry, Albert Einstein changed physics, and Ted Turner helped create modern media.

Benjamin Franklin was a brilliant man who contributed in many different fields. He discovered the nature of electricity, was an early pioneer in printing and helped set up the political foundations of America.

This passage is about a man who made an impact on the world. He was born in a small town and had many adventures as he grew up. His life experiences helped him become one of America’s most influential diplomats, which you can learn from by reading this article.

In this passage, you’ll learn about the different key points of colonial America. They include how people wore leather aprons to show they were savvy thinkers and why Franklin used a kite to prove lightning was electricity. Also, you’ll find out who wrote the famous letter called Mrs. Silence Dogood.

This book is about Benjamin Franklin, one of the most famous founding fathers. He was a great writer, inventor and statesman. This book will tell you all about his life and how he helped shape America.

Big Idea #1: Benjamin Franklin was a very intelligent man, despite not having had much formal education.

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1705. As a young boy, he already showed signs of independence and inventiveness. For example, when he first learned to swim, he didn’t follow the conventional method of swimming with his arms. Instead, he swam by propelling himself forward using only his feet.

Benjamin Franklin was interested in swimming faster, but he had fingers and toes that were preventing him from doing so. So, he created flippers for his feet and paddles for his hands to help propel himself through the water. His parents wanted him to go into the clergy because they thought it would be a good career choice. However, as Franklin grew up, Josiah realized that being a preacher wasn’t right for his son. For example, when young Benjamin’s father said grace before meals at home (a prayer of thanks), Benjamin thought it was tedious and suggested that instead of saying grace over food during dinner time with family members present, they should say grace over barrels where all the meat is stored since this would save time! When Franklin was 10 years old, he started working as an apprentice under his brother James who founded The New England Courant newspaper in Boston.

Eventually, Franklin grew tired of working with his brother and decided to strike out on his own. He was frustrated that he had to work for James when he had been able to run the printing business by himself while James was away in England.

So, even though he was still young, Franklin decided to strike out on his own.

Big Idea #2: Benjamin Franklin’s dream was to write. He went to London and back, but his wanderings were a means of achieving that goal.

Ben Franklin was born in 1723. At the age of 17, he boarded a ship to go to Philadelphia. There, he found work with Samuel Keimer, whom Ben thought was odd but enjoyed their lengthy philosophical discussions. It was during this time that Ben honed his debating skills which would prove so important later on in his life. After befriending Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, Ben went back to London for almost two years working as a printer’s assistant. However after an offer from a Quaker merchant who owned a general store in Philadelphia where he could be a clerk and return home, Ben accepted the position and returned to America.

Benjamin Franklin Book Summary, by Walter Isaacson