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Video Summaries of Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by William Gentry PhD.

1-Page Summary of Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For

Your New Role Requires New Skills

Without proper training, new leaders often struggle. Within the first year and a half of being promoted to a leadership position, 40% fail. Four out of five frontline leaders feel disappointed about their track records and 70% of senior managers think that young leaders suffer from poor job performance.

When you become a boss, it’s not easy to change your old habits. You need to be willing to learn new techniques and adapt them into your leadership style. Don’t let initial failures or successes derail you from the path of being a great leader. Learn from past experiences and use that knowledge to help shape what type of leader you want to be in the future. A good leader should have three outcomes: 1) Helping his team identify and work toward the same goal 2) Making sure each member is aware of what’s going on 3) Knowing how each person is doing on their own tasks

  1. Commitment is important for a team to be successful. Each member of the team should prioritize the overall success of the team more than their personal success.

A New Boss Needs a New Script

To become a leader, you must change your thinking and behavior. You need to flip the script by changing how you think about yourself in relation to others. As an individual contributor or technical expert, your workplace script probably focused on excelling at work, working harder than your peers, being diligent and using skills that garnered recognition for the quality of your work.

Now that you are a manager, your responsibility is no longer just to yourself but also to the team. You must flip your script from “me” to “we” and tell a new story about being a good leader. Here are six strategies for flipping your script in these areas:

“Flip Your Mind-Set”

People with a fixed mind-set are afraid of failure because they’re convinced that it means their abilities are lacking. They want to prove themselves and have an innate need for success. People with a growth mind-set, on the other hand, realize that there’s always room for improvement and learning new skills is fun. If you want to be someone who others look up to as a great leader, embrace this growth mindset — doing so will allow you to learn new things easily and therefore become more successful in your career.

In order to be successful, you need to change the way you think. You should focus on being positive and optimistic instead of negative and pessimistic. Effective bosses use constructive self-talk in which they refer to themselves as “you” or “your” rather than “I” or “me”. They also reflect on their mistakes so that they can improve upon them. Ineffective leaders are unable to face challenges due to their pessimistic mindchatter. To overcome this problem, write a letter by hand telling your past self what you’ve learned about leadership and how it will help you succeed in the future.

“Flip Your Skill Set”

New leaders often find it challenging to communicate effectively. They should learn how to flip their communication skills, as well as their skills in other areas. One of the most important things a new construction leader has learned is that he shouldn’t say “Because I said so” when instructing his workers. He should pay attention to his nonverbal communication and make sure that he says what needs to be said in the right way.

It’s critical to identify how your staff hears you. If they don’t hear what you’re saying, then it doesn’t matter how well-developed your message is. Ineffective leaders have several flaws in their communication skills that need to be addressed:

Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For Book Summary, by William Gentry PhD