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Video Summaries of Focal Point
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1-Page Summary of Focal Point
Place the X
A nuclear power plant was experiencing a technical problem, which caused the efficiency of the entire operation to be reduced. The engineers were unable to identify or solve it, so management brought in a top consultant on nuclear power engineering and construction.
A consultant visited a facility and observed the control room for two days. He made calculations, took notes, and at the end of those days he marked one gauge with an “X.” The problem is in that apparatus because if it’s replaced then the problem will be solved.
A consultant was hired by a company to fix a problem with their plant. He looked at it, and he realized that the problem was caused by X. The next day, the plant was working again. A week later, they received a bill for $10,000 from him for his services. They thought this amount of money seemed high considering how little work he did on the job so they asked him to break down what exactly his charges were in detail on an invoice.
A few days later, the plant manager received a new invoice from the consultant. It read: “For placing an ‘X’ on the gauge: $1.00 For knowing where to place it: $9,999.” Knowing where to put that mark is critical!
Your Focal Point
There is always a single thing that you can do to make the most out of your life. This focal point makes all the difference in achieving success, happiness and achievement. For example, if you’re working on business or investments, then there’s one thing that will maximize your results more than anything else. If it’s sports or personal relationships, then there’s one thing that will lead to better results than any other action you could take.
The central concept is clarity. It’s about being absolutely clear about who you are and what you want. Once that happens, it will be easier to achieve your goals than ever before. You’ll also learn how to tap into your personal powers at a higher level and improve the quality of your relationships as well.
Four Steps to Focus
There are only four ways to improve your life and work:
Some Things are Easier to do
You can cut back on some things and start doing more of other things.
You can stop doing things that are not helping you achieve your goals. You can concentrate on the things that will help you reach your goals and be more successful. For example, if you want to lose weight, stop eating junk food or avoid going out to eat all together. If you’re trying to save money for a vacation, cut down on how much money you spend each month by canceling subscriptions and asking for lower utility bills. These four steps will guide you toward achieving success in almost every aspect of life: career, relationships, personal growth—you name it!
Accepting Responsibility
The bottom line is that you have to accept responsibility for your life. You can choose to take control of it, and the only way to do so is by taking responsibility. If you make excuses or blame others for negative outcomes, then you are wasting your potential and power. Power and responsibility go hand-in-hand: when you pass off the responsibility on others, then you become a victim.
The Law of Increasing Returns
Studies have shown that the act of observation changes results. It’s true for anything, even if you’re observing yourself and your own activities. One of the best ways to improve performance is to study yourself as you engage in a certain task or activity. This is what Focal Point Processes are about – identifying critical behaviors and improving them by focusing on those behaviors most important to success. We call it “the law of increasing returns” because we find that we can accomplish more with less effort than ever before once we master these key areas or behavior patterns.