Want to learn the ideas in How to Find Fulfilling Work better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of How to Find Fulfilling Work by Roman Krznaric here.

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Video Summaries of How to Find Fulfilling Work

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on How to Find Fulfilling Work, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Roman Krznaric.

1-Page Summary of How to Find Fulfilling Work


You’ve just graduated from college, and you’re ready to start working. You want to make money so that you can pursue your hobbies.

But then what happens? You’re stuck in a job that you don’t like, and each day seems to get worse. There’s no time for leisure or fun because you have to work all the time. You think about your future and wonder if it’ll be this way forever.

It’s not easy to find fulfilling work in today’s world. It goes beyond providing food and shelter for yourself and your family. Work is more than that; it can fulfill you as a person, so the author defines the concept of fulfilling work and introduces steps to achieve it.

It’s important to do what you love and not settle for a job that doesn’t fulfill your passion. If you don’t, psychologists say that you’ll regret it later in life. Benjamin Franklin had some advice on choosing a career path, too. He said that doing what others respect is more important than doing what you love because people will respect the latter regardless of whether they like it or not. You can also be self-employed if you have the right personality type; however, there are both pros and cons to this route as well

Big Idea #1: We’re dissatisfied when our expectations about work aren’t met.

Did you know that at least 50% of people in the Western world are unhappy with their jobs? A survey across Europe even suggests that if people had the option to start over, 60% would choose a different career path. But what makes them so unhappy?

Workers today have higher expectations than ever before. They’re not just looking for a decent paycheck, but rather to find meaning in their work.

People used to be happy with meeting their basic needs, but now that most of us in the Western world can do that, we’re looking for more than just good pay. So while you would probably reach your threshold if you had to work on an assembly line all day long, your grandparents were probably fine with it and even grateful to be able to pay their bills.

Nowadays, people are more interested in pursuing their passions and developing a sense of purpose. They want to work on things that they’re passionate about and feel like they can contribute something meaningful with their skills. Basically, they want to be working on fulfilling projects.

What should we do then? Some say that work is always tedious and never a joy, so we should lower our expectations. However, others think that it’s possible to find fulfilling work if you can challenge yourself.

The latter approach encourages you to pursue your dreams instead of regretting that you never tried to free yourself from the shackles of an unfulfilling job.

It’s fairly obvious that we’ll now proceed with the latter strategy! Before we see exactly what makes a career fulfilling, let’s try to better understand why meaningful work can be so difficult to find.

Big Idea #2: In today’s world, there is an overwhelming number of job choices.

There are many career paths to choose from today. Many people don’t know which one is right for them, because there are so many choices.

There are so many choices available to us today that we’re not prepared for it. There weren’t as many options a few decades ago, so people didn’t have to deal with all of these choices.

Benjamin Franklin, a young man at the age of twelve was tired of working as a tallow chandler. His father decided to help him find a new job. Together, they observed different workers in action and ended up at a printer where Benjamin’s father suggested that he should take up the profession since his son loved books so much. So for 9 years, he worked as a printer until one day…

How to Find Fulfilling Work Book Summary, by Roman Krznaric