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Video Summaries of Reinvent Yourself

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1-Page Summary of Reinvent Yourself


We live in a time of constant change. We are dealing with technology, work and politics on a daily basis, so we have to constantly adapt if we want to be successful.

Of course, it’s easier said than done. How do you make yourself more adaptable? You can start by implementing strategies that will enable you to adapt to changing situations and reinvent yourself. By doing this, you’ll be able to conquer the challenges of modern life. The world isn’t going to change for you—so it’s time for you to change for the world.

In this passage, you will learn how Pope Francis and Eminem can help us deal with suffering. You’ll also discover that being broke is sometimes a blessing in disguise. Finally, you’ll find out how to wake up every morning feeling excited for the day ahead.

Big Idea #1: Refuse to let your degree or job title define you, and find mentors to help you redefine yourself.

There was a time when the road to success was simple: you earned a degree, got a job and saved up for retirement. That has changed because there isn’t one path anymore; people need to blaze their own way. One of the keys is not letting your degree or job title define you. Google exemplifies this by reinventing itself constantly with new projects that keep it relevant in today’s fast-paced world.

The author thought that the speakers would be talking about search-related topics, but they actually talked about other things. They discussed building an automated car, developing a bracelet to cure cancer and connecting remote areas to Wi-Fi through stratospheric balloons. In other words, Google doesn’t let its “job” (providing a search engine) define it.

Larry Page, who cofounded Google with Sergey Brin, doesn’t let his degree define him. He majored in computer science but now focuses on solving societal problems.

It’s not easy to break free of your job or degree. It can be done, though, with the help of mentors. You just have to find them and follow these steps:

If you want to learn from someone, find out more about him. Read his bio and other articles he’s written or interviews he has given. Then contact that person with ideas that might help her.

For example, when the author was looking for mentorship from someone who had written an academic article, he didn’t just read it; he provided feedback on it. That way, his mentor could see how much of an influence she was and feel appreciated by him.

Finally, don’t just wait for a mentor to contact you; go out and meet up with them. It might even be worth flying across the country to talk about an idea further!

Big Idea #2: Practice your passion on a daily basis, and find it by thinking back to your childhood.

Some of history’s most creative people have been prolific as well. Pablo Picasso created 50,000 works of art in his lifetime. Jimi Hendrix recorded enough music to fill nearly 70 albums, despite living only 27 years. Practice makes perfect; therefore, high production can help you sharpen your talents.

Barbara Cortland is an author who wrote 23 books in a year. She did that by writing every day and staying focused on her goal. This shows how much you can accomplish if you put in enough work.

A person who is passionate about something will pursue it every day. This was true for the author of hundreds of romance novels and the rapper Coolio, who set his heart on becoming a famous rapper when he was young.

Finally, in 1994, Coolio’s perseverance paid off with his first big hit, “Fantastic Voyage.” The next year, it even more so paid off with the song “Gangsta’s Paradise,” which became a number-one hit.

Reinvent Yourself Book Summary, by James Altucher