Want to learn the ideas in Sell With a Story better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Sell With a Story by Paul Smith here.

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Video Summaries of Sell With a Story

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Sell With a Story, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Paul Smith.

1-Page Summary of Sell With a Story

Stories Work

A good story has six facets: time, place, main character (the protagonist), a goal, an obstacle and events. These stories help to build trust by sharing situations that everyone can face. For example, problems occur while trying to reach a goal, but with some effort the problem gets solved. Most people make decisions from the subconscious and emotional parts of their brains; stories target those areas by guiding them to identify with a situation in which they’re placed in so that it seems familiar or like something they might experience themselves. A story helps your clients relax when thinking about your product or service because you give them something else to think about besides whether it’s worth buying your product or not. This is especially true if there are other options available for solving whatever problem you’re trying to solve. An original story is memorable and sparks clients’ memories of you whenever they remember what was told in that story even though it might have been years before since first hearing that particular story!

Stories to Tell Yourself

Sales calls are difficult, which is why salespeople need to be self-motivated. One way of being more motivated is by knowing the reason behind your sales calls. For example, you might have a story about how you improved a client’s experience through your efforts and thoughtfulness. This will help remind yourself that your purpose for making sales calls is to provide service.

Stories You Need

Stories help people understand what you do and how you do it. It is important to introduce yourself, your company, and the business in a way that’s relatable to others. Imagine someone who uses your product or service on a daily basis—what would they need to know about you? How can we present ourselves from their point of view so that they feel understood? Prepare seven stories about yourself as well as the company:

  1. “Why I do what I do” – People need to trust your product. This is revealed by knowing why you are passionate about it.

  2. “I’ll tell you when I can’t help you.” This shows clients that you are professional and trustworthy. It also makes them trust your abilities more than if they thought you could do anything for them.

  3. “I’ll tell you when I made a mistake,” said the speaker. He shared an experience in which he told his client about the mistake and fixed it.

  4. You represent a product and company. You support your clients, and you’re there for them when they need you the most. Recognize situations where you can lobby on their behalf by going to bat for them if necessary.

  5. “I’m not who you think I am. People hold negative stereotypes of salespeople, but they don’t know me and my industry as well as they think. So, it’s important to be an individual in order to stand out.”

  6. “Your company’s founding story” – It is important to humanize your company by talking about the founder, his or her values and how they started the business. Do not get too technical because it is more important to showcase what your company stands for than what you do.

  7. People don’t differentiate between companies who sell similar products. Find a story that shows how you are different and your employees are unique. Highlight the owner or employees’ membership to a group, their work ethic, or employee benefits.


Relationships develop over time. First, you get to know someone and build a relationship with them. Then, you become friends while working together for years. Finally, that friendship becomes lasting. Stories help people in this process because they can quickly establish common ground between two individuals who are getting to know each other better or have worked together for some time but haven’t yet developed the strong bond of friendship.

Sell With a Story Book Summary, by Paul Smith