Want to learn the ideas in Conscious Business better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Conscious Business by Fred Kofman here.

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Video Summaries of Conscious Business

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Conscious Business, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Fred Kofman.

1-Page Summary of Conscious Business


In many organizations, people tend to argue and fight with each other. They don’t accept different points of view or learn from one another. This is because they’re too focused on being right rather than learning something new. If we want to understand how people make decisions, we need to look at things from a holistic perspective that takes into account all aspects of human nature—not just the rational part but also the emotional-spiritual part as well.

It takes more than technical skills to be a successful business leader. It also requires wisdom and compassion, which are key components of success. Leaders need to continuously grow as people in order to succeed. The only way for leaders to achieve the highest goals is through strong values that must be demonstrated and received with dignity and respect, while trust networks should be established or repaired if needed.

Conscious Business

In his book, Jim Collins defines Level 5 leaders as having both humility and a strong will. However, he did not define how to achieve that level of leadership. Conscious businesses focus on the well-being of their employees and customers in addition to profitability. They also consider the community when making decisions because they want to inspire respect and solidarity among people who are important for business success. Businesses without those values often fail due to arrogance from executives or disengaged employees with short-term goals instead of longer-term ones.

There are seven traits that conscious employees must have to be successful. These include unconditional responsibility, essential integrity (being honest and true), ontological humility (having a sense of self-worth), three interpersonal skills (authentic communication, constructive negotiation, impeccable coordination) and an emotional mastery condition that enables all the others. Managers can create these conditions by fostering a workplace where employees know what is expected of them, have what they need to do their jobs well and are empowered to succeed. Employees should also feel respected at work because it’s important for managers to care about them and encourage their development. They should receive feedback on how they’re doing every week so they can improve themselves in order to reach their potentials with people who care about them working around them each day.

The three dimensions of conscious business are “it”, “we,” and “I.” It is the impersonal task, such as making money, increasing stock share price, and gaining market share.

We include the relationship aspects of work, as well as respect and inclusion. A conscious business can help everyone contribute their best work.

A conscious organization should allow employees to achieve self-actualization, which leads to greater engagement, satisfaction with work and increased productivity.

Leadership is the most important factor in creating a great company. The way you lead your employees and customers can make or break your business. It’s better to be conscious than unconscious when leading, because it will help you achieve a productive culture that embodies seven qualities: technology, human capital development, leadership skills, visioning ability, quality of life for all stakeholders (customers and employees), excellence in execution/focus on results rather than process, and taking responsibility for mistakes instead of blaming others.

When there is a community of purpose, work can be heaven. Conscious business is the way to create such a community and therefore make work into something that’s not hellish.

Conscious Business Book Summary, by Fred Kofman