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1-Page Summary of Super Attractor


All too often, our lives seem to fall short of what we wish they were. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. Spiritual leader Gabrielle Bernstein believes that there is an invisible power all around us and for more than fifteen years has helped thousands tap into it to achieve their goals. She offers insights into the forces that hold us back and practical advice about how to overcome them in order to stop stressing and make success come our way.

In this article, you’ll learn how to realign your energy; what signs from the universe can look like in everyday life; and how a short mantra can change your whole worldview.

Big Idea #1: Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe, so make each one count.

Everyone gets tired or unmotivated at some point in their lives. Even celebrities and successful people sometimes feel that way, but it’s only temporary. The key is to align your energy with the universe so you can move past this state of mind.

To realign with the Universe, you must first recognize the power of your own mind. Clinical psychologist Helen Schucman’s classic metaphysical text states that there are no such things as “idle thoughts.” If you engage in negative thinking on a regular basis, then everything around you will reflect those vibes.

For example, when Bernstein launched her previous book and felt overwhelmed with work, she kept thinking that if she did not do it no one else would. This thought eventually became true as she ended up taking on more tasks without seeking help from others. She broke this cycle only by changing the way she thought about things to be positive instead of negative.

Changing your energy to become better-aligned isn’t hard. Just by beginning to read this guide, you’re already sending a powerful message to the Universe that you’re ready for change. To continue this process, follow Bernstein’s three steps: Choose Again.

The first step to changing your thoughts is to notice the feelings behind them. Ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?” For instance, if you’re worried or scared, that means you have negative energy in your body. Next, forgive yourself for having those thoughts and thank yourself for recognizing what’s not working in your life so you can change it.

Finally, choose again. Ask the universe to guide you toward more positive thoughts. Instead of dwelling on your financial problems, focus on creative solutions to those problems that will make you happier in the future.

This strategy will help you align your energy with the universe. You’ll learn more ways to overcome negative thinking and feel good about yourself.

Big Idea #2: To become a Super Attractor, you must learn it’s good to feel good.

Spiritual thinker Deepak Chopra once said, “When you’re happy for a particular reason, you’re still miserable because that reason can be taken from you tomorrow. To become a super attractor, learn to enjoy happiness without needing any reasons.”

We’ve been taught that happiness is a reward – something we have to work hard for. However, the opposite is true: Good things can come easily and you’re worthy of receiving them. Here are some proactive strategies to help you feel good about feeling good: First, imagine an event or situation in which you felt a certain emotion. For example, if want to feel safe, recall a memory that makes you calm and in control. Let this feeling guide your next steps by affirming how you want to feel; don’t shy away from what you really desire (for example “I’m truly taken care of”). Write down your mantra (“I respect my body”) and say it aloud when negative thoughts creep up on you during meditation or journaling sessions every day. Truly experience your desired feelings through these exercises; they’ll help change the way you think about yourself so that positive emotions will become more accessible over time.

Super Attractor Book Summary, by Gabrielle Bernstein