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Video Summaries of No Excuses

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1-Page Summary of No Excuses


The American Society for Training and Development says that 3% of companies are profitable. If you make $50,000 a year, it would be wise to spend at least $1,500 on improving your knowledge and skills. It will pay off in the long run.

Imagine living your life the way you want to, engaging in activities that make you happy. We all want financial security, personal fulfillment and long-term happiness. However, we often lack discipline and have endless excuses for why we can’t be successful.

In conclusion, the author is going to share with us some of his insights from his personal experience and interviews. He will explain how he overcame fear and procrastination through a 7-step method that can help you stop making excuses for yourself.

Big Idea #1: To be successful, learn from experts and take responsibility for your life.

Have you ever wondered how some people become successful, even though they have the same amount of time as others? Well, it’s mostly a matter of self-discipline applied to three areas: personal success, career and overall happiness.

You can also be a great communicator. To start, you should learn from the experts in your field and attend their conferences, read their books and listen to their podcasts.

The author’s San Diego dentist attended a lot of dental conferences and learned about a new procedure that permanently improved the appearance of teeth. He then started using it in his practice, and people from all across the country began booking appointments at his office for this treatment.

By the age of 55, he was a dentist’s favorite dentist and had enough money to retire. He learned that it was important for him to take responsibility in his life. When he was 21, he worked in construction and earned just enough money to get by. He didn’t have a car, no savings and lived in a tiny apartment. Then an epiphany came: He needed to stop blaming his problems on his childhood and lack of education.

The next day, he started working harder. He also began reading self-help books and dedicated his life to self-improvement. His decision not to make excuses or blame others helped him in the future.

Big Idea #2: To achieve your goals, you should follow the Seven-Step Method and listen to advice from successful people.

It’s hard to stick to new year resolutions. You’re dedicated in January, but by February you’ve stopped doing the things you said you would do. Why is this?

Writing down your goals makes it more likely that you’ll achieve them. A study found that only four percent of people followed through with their resolutions, but 44 percent of those who did write the resolution down accomplished what they set out to do.

To take advantage of the power a pen has, you should use the Seven-Step Method. The first step is to decide exactly what it is that you want and be specific about it. For example, if your goal is to have more wealth, then determine how much money you wish to accumulate or lose weight by deciding on exactly how many pounds you want to shed.

Continue your education.

Step 1: Set a deadline for when you think it will be possible to accomplish your goal. Step 2: Break down the goal into sub-deadlines. Step 3: Write down everything that you could do in order to achieve your goal, including obstacles and things that you need to learn or know more about before achieving it.

Step 1: List your tasks. Step 2: Prioritize them and add the most important ones to your schedule. Step 3: Start working on those items right away.

Step 7: Do something every day that helps you achieve your goal. In addition to employing the Seven-Step Method, ask for advice from people who are more successful than you. Seek out the best mentors and make sure to learn as much as possible from them.

No Excuses Book Summary, by Brian Tracy