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1-Page Summary of The Psychology of Winning


In today’s world, the difference between winners and losers is becoming increasingly clear. Winners are able to enjoy their lives more because they don’t have as many bad habits that hold them back from success. They also aren’t afraid of failure or regretful about things that happened in the past.

I’m glad that this book is here to help people become winners. A winner, as the author defines it, is someone who has a positive lifestyle and benefits themselves and others around them. To do this you must develop certain habits, like changing your self-image. Once you have these habits you will be living a more successful life. However, we must constantly practice our winning habits or else we’ll slip back into loserdom.

Big Idea #1: Winning starts with self-projection: using the power of your mind to achieve what you envision.

When we were kids, most of us had dreams about what we wanted to be when we grew up. For example, some people wanted to be teachers or doctors. It’s interesting that those are the professions they end up in as adults.

For example, Neil Armstrong dreamed of flying since childhood and went on to become the first person on the moon.

To be a winner, the first step is to project an image of yourself that you want to attain. To do this, you need to practice it on a daily basis. Your mind has tremendous power and can greatly influence your actions—more than you think. For example, studies have shown that even the most effective people utilize under ten percent of their mental capacity and are creative in only about two percent. Studies have also revealed that our brains may have infinite potential for creativity and success.

Winning is mostly about having the right attitude, which will help you tap into your potential.

Some people don’t win because they’re genetically superior to others, or because they live in a good neighborhood. Instead, many winners come from the most challenging of circumstances.

For example, O.J. Simpson was a good kid living on the streets who’d been diagnosed with crippling disease and yet managed to become a football star.

Winners are those who manage to get what they want from life. It’s all about managing your mental state, environment and physiology. The good news is that you can be a winner too if you just work on it.

Big Idea #2: Winners develop a positive lifestyle that helps them and the people around them.

Winning is a way to live life and feel good about it. People who are winners in life apply the principles of winning to benefit themselves as well as those around them. By doing so, they will think positively and look great, which will lead to positive outcomes for their lives. It’s important to develop a new lifestyle based on winning habits that replace negative ones like procrastination or self-criticism with positive ones like exercising and enjoying life. These habits can be developed through daily practice.

By acquiring a positive attitude and setting goals, you can be successful. When you are successful, you benefit yourself as well as the people around you. In this article, we will discuss some of the methods with which anyone can form habits that help them achieve success and happiness.

Big Idea #3: Winners have clearly defined goals as well as a purpose in life, and they tend to get what they expect.

Some people are not sure what they want to do with their lives. They may be moving from one job to another, or even drifting through life without any clear direction. On the other hand, some people have a clear idea of where they’re going and what they want to achieve in life.

The Psychology of Winning Book Summary, by Denis Waitley