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1-Page Summary of A Higher Loyalty


James Comey learned a lot from his previous jobs, putting the Gambino crime family in jail and working for the Department of Justice and FBI. Throughout those times, he learned that great leaders have confidence and humility, good awareness of integrity and decency, as well as a sense of humor to help their team through difficult times. Comey had high hopes for his tenure at FBI director but was unexpectedly fired by President Trump because he wouldn’t influence investigations on Trump’s behalf.

James Comey has been in the news a lot lately, but his long career began much earlier. He was appointed to important positions and had great accomplishments.

From working with Rudy Giuliani to take on the mafia in the 1980s to prosecuting Martha Stewart for insider trading in 2001, James Comey explains how he has worked with many leaders and learned a lot about what works and doesn’t. He also tells of the numerous difficult events that have happened in his life; from being bullied at school to facing down a gunman who broke into his home. These experiences have shown him how important it is to be strong and confident but also humble and humorous.

James Comey has worked with three presidential administrations, including George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s administration. He had a lot of interesting experiences during his time in the White House, some good and some bad. In this article, we’ll look at some highlights as well as lowlights from his experience working for these presidents.

Big Idea #1: James Comey’s childhood was very important in shaping his future. He was bullied and had a great boss.

James Comey was born in 1960, in Yonkers, New York. His family has lived there for generations and his grandfather was once the chief of police.

When Comey was young, he moved from Yonkers to the nearby town of Allendale. It turned out that his move was a bad decision because he became a target of bullies.

Comey moved to New Jersey in fifth grade. He was the new kid and had a bad haircut, ill-fitting clothes and talked too much. His mother could not afford to buy him nice clothes or good haircuts, which made him a target for bullies. Despite getting punched, slammed into lockers and given wedgies by his bullies, Comey learned some important lessons from them.

For starters, he was a better listener because of it. Bullies are aggressive and tend to give off signs that they’re about to bully you. Being bullied also made him want to help protect people who were being bullied by bullies.

Harry Howell, the owner of a local grocery store where Comey worked in high school, taught him some important lessons about leadership. He showed that you can be powerful and compassionate at the same time. Mr. Howell was tough on his employees but took pride in having an immaculately clean and organized store.

While Howell could be demanding, he also knew when to show mercy. One day, Comey had overstacked the milk crates and they fell down, spilling milk all over the floor. He was very embarrassed but didn’t get angry at him. Instead, Howell asked if he learned a lesson from this incident and then told him to clean it up. This act of kindness motivated Comey more than any punishment would have done so.

Big Idea #2: Comey was a New York lawyer before he had some life-changing experiences. Those events taught him the importance of humility, which helped him in his career as an FBI director.

James Comey had a life-changing experience when he was sixteen. He and his brother were held at gunpoint by a robber who broke into their home. They thought they would die, but they survived the incident without any physical harm.

A Higher Loyalty Book Summary, by James Comey