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1-Page Summary of Thou Shall Prosper


In history and today, Jewish people have been known for their business savvy. This has often been presented in a negative light, but it’s now generally recognized as a positive attribute. But why are Jews successful at business? And how can others learn from them?

The Jewish religion and culture have helped Jews to be successful in business for thousands of years. The Torah, Talmud and other sources have inspired Jews for many generations. These key points show how you can draw inspiration from these sources as well if you want to be successful in business.

In this article, you’ll learn about the importance of a minyan for business and how it can help you connect with others. You’ll also learn why leaders must first be able to follow before they can lead. Lastly, we’ll look at what the Star of David teaches us about change.

Big Idea #1: Despite many misconceptions, Jews are successful in business because of education.

If you’ve read Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”, you know that the Jewish character, Shylock, is portrayed as greedy and vengeful. This has persisted through time even though it may not be true.

In addition, there are many myths about why Jews have been successful in business.

One theory suggests that Jews have a genetic disposition to make money. This is because they’ve survived so many times of persecution, and the only ones who could buy their way out were wealthy people. So future generations of Jews were born with this “money gene.”

Another myth is that all Jews are cheaters. However, this isn’t true because the Torah forbids it and calls for honest business dealings. Another conspiracy theory is that Jews are part of some secret society. This couldn’t be more ridiculous since they’re argumentative people who would never keep a secret organization together and under wraps. People also often think of Jews as possessing superior intelligence.

Intelligence doesn’t necessarily lead to more money. People who are smarter tend to become academics and scientists, not business leaders.

Jews tend to be successful because they’re educated. They have good education at home and in the synagogue, which is why Jews are often well-read. This is also why there are many books about Jewish themes, even though Jews comprise only 0.2 percent of the world’s population.

Moreover, there are other lessons passed down orally. One example is a lesson about sacrificing today’s pleasures for future benefits. This may mean hard work and sacrifice now in order to reap the rewards tomorrow.

Big Idea #2: In Jewish tradition, business is seen as a good, morally honest and noble endeavor.

It is not uncommon for corporations to be negatively portrayed in the media. This can cause people to overlook how they create jobs and do charitable work.

A business venture can also improve people’s feelings. For example, a clinical trial where patients are given placebos often leads to better results because the patient feels like they’re doing something good for themselves. The same thing happens when someone is part of a noble pursuit; they feel better about themselves and their lives.

The Torah teaches Jewish people to apply moral values to business and money. The teachings of the Torah say that you will only be successful at work if it has your friends’ approval, which creates passion for what you’re doing.

We’re also told to be honest and ethical in our business practices. If we see ourselves as moral people, then we’re less likely to enter into illegal or unethical territory.

Of course, if someone gets away with cheating, they’ll probably be tempted to cheat again. However, this can be prevented by atonement. Atoning is a very important part of Judaism because it allows people to “reset” after doing something wrong and avoid repeating the behavior in the future. Jews joined banking because it’s considered a noble profession that helps others start their own businesses and retain their independence and dignity in the process.

Thou Shall Prosper Book Summary, by Daniel Lapin