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1-Page Summary of The Host

Overall Summary

The fourth book in romance writer Carolyn Wren’s series, The Protectors, is called Emotions in Chains. In the novel a businessman and his undercover agent rescuer are each other’s best hope for mending the psychic scars of what they have been through. Although they are attracted to one another, the agent has spent her entire life hiding her true identity from everyone around her.

The story begins in a dark holding cell, where wealthy businessman James Northam awaits his death. He has been beaten and chained up by his captors, who are demanding an exorbitant ransom that is not being met. Although he thought of himself as tough and ruthless in business before this torture began, it threatens to break him completely.

A woman with a sexy, breathy voice breaks into the room and rescues North from his chains. She frees him outside in the care of emergency personnel and disappears without a trace. This was all done by Omega, who specializes in nighttime recovery missions like this one.

After he is rescued, North can’t stop thinking about the woman who saved him. He didn’t get a chance to thank her before she left so he decides to find her and tell her how grateful he is that she was there for him.

Omega has since melted back into her other identity, Meg Pryce, an elementary school teacher in a small town. She doesn’t need North’s thanks and wants to keep the two parts of her life separate so as not to endanger either herself or her students.

But when Omega is somehow tracked to the town where Meg lives, she finds him so attractive that she wants to break some of her rules and be with him.

North tries to figure out whether Meg is an Omega or not. He does this by being persistent and charming at the same time. Readers say that it should read as stalker-y, but somehow he pulls it off. What North learns from his investigation is that Meg likes protecting others, especially children. She’s a schoolteacher because she sees children as people who need her protection and guidance in life.

In the novel, North attempts to get past Omega’s façade by using overt and covert approaches. However, these methods do not work. He then decides to lay down his guard completely and reveal that he is in love with her. This approach works because it gets through her defenses and allows them to connect romantically.

Meg is hesitant to open up to North because of her post-traumatic stress disorder and the physical injuries she sustained at the hands of Aden Todd. He was a mission target that proved too devious for Omega’s agency, so he started hunting them in retaliation.

When North finds out that Meg has decided to run away from him and go after Todd, he’s afraid that she will be hurt or killed. However, now that Meg knows how Todd operates, she can get the drop on him.

The book ends with Meg and North together, planning their next mission.

The Host Book Summary, by Stephenie Meyer