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1-Page Summary of What Color Is Your Parachute?


What Color Is Your Parachute? guides job hunters to find fulfilling careers that utilize their individual talents and skills. The book was first published in 1970, and has been updated annually since 1985. This report on What Color Is Your Parachute? uses the 2019 version of the book, which was released in 2018.

Although the tools used in job hunting have changed over time, the fundamental nature of it is still the same. Employers want to hire competent workers at a reasonable rate, and employees want to complete satisfying work in a good environment for competitive pay. Both parties are deciding whether they’re compatible during interviews, so interviewing can be compared to going on a series of dates.

When professionals find themselves out of work, they often begin their job search by updating their resume and looking for jobs online. They read the newspaper to look for openings that match their skills. This process is done without much thought, even in times of economic insecurity.

During bad economic times, companies receive a higher number of applications for open positions. This means that employers can choose to be more discerning when filling vacancies. They can fill them by turning to people who already work with the company or they can hire contractors whom they have worked with before. Job-seekers get the impression that there are no jobs available, when in fact there are multiple openings that employers simply aren’t posting.

An alternative to the traditional method is called the parachute approach. Applicants who use this strategy analyze their existing talents and skills, and then determine which careers make use of those abilities. After determining what kinds of jobs they might be interested in, candidates will interview companies and employees who already work in that field. They’ll create a list of businesses where they would be happy and professionally fulfilled, then find someone with a connection to management who can recommend them for a position there. The goal will be to find a business that matches the candidate’s professional needs rather than securing a job simply to pay bills.

The parachute approach is a better way to find your dream job. The traditional method of finding a job takes more time and effort but yields less results. However, the parachute approach allows you to learn about yourself and discover what type of work environment works best for you. With that knowledge, you can use it to find your dream job instead of settling for one that just pays well.

Parachute: Noun (informal) A device used by parachutists when jumping from an aircraft; consists of a fabric bag attached to the jumper’s back containing equipment or supplies which are released upon landing so as not to be lost or damaged in flight

Key Point 1: To find a good job, a candidate must be willing to put in a great deal of time and energy.

Job seekers often rely on resumes and job boards to find employment. However, they should spend more time researching companies that interest them and building their skills by doing new things. This will make them more attractive candidates for jobs that are a good fit for them.

There are times when job-seekers start looking for other jobs before they leave their current job. They may have a bad feeling about the company or simply be ready to make a change. Some people even use work resources to look for another position in case the employer notices and takes measures against them. It’s best to avoid using work email accounts or computers while searching for another job, as it can show future employers that you’re not fully committed to your work. Job-seekers should also stay active in their communities by volunteering and meeting new people who might become useful contacts later on if they decide they want to find a new job.

What Color Is Your Parachute? Book Summary, by Richard N. Bolles