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Video Summaries of Be Obsessed Or Be Average

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1-Page Summary of Be Obsessed Or Be Average


Grant Cardone explains how to harness an obsessive or addictive personality for success in the business world. He had a difficult childhood, which caused him to become addicted to drugs and experience financial losses. When he finished rehab, he decided that his addiction would be managed by expending energy on self-improvement and getting involved with real estate investments. Now his properties are worth $400 million, and he attributes this success to his obsession with winning at all costs.

The first step of achieving success is to embrace an obsessive personality. This means that you should be obsessed with your purpose. To maintain this obsession, spend time and energy on it at all times. The biggest obstacle to obsessively achieving goals is doubt. It can be counteracted by being overly controlling with yourself about the risks you take in life (i.e., be willing to take big risks).

Businesses need sales and the best way to sell is to promise more than you can deliver, but then overdeliver. Identify obsessed people who will be good at selling and give them control over their work.

People who are obsessive about something are persistent. They never give up and always find bigger goals to pursue.

Key Takeaways

The best way to be successful is to accept nothing less than perfection. To do this, people must obsess over their hobbies and dreams. They should put those obsessions into action by focusing on the future while constantly learning about that obsession. People should avoid doubt and threats of burnout or negativity because they distract from a person’s purpose for being obsessed. Self-control is critical in order to succeed; therefore, people need to obsessively manage their money (especially when it comes to investing) and build up their brands (via social media). The best salespeople are obsessed with their product, customers, and managing their team members so that everyone succeeds together.

The best strategy is to make big claims and overpromise to the customer, then obsess over meeting those promises.

When people are obsessed with their work, they can build strong teams of employees who are also obsessed. They motivate their employees by rewarding success and exerting as much influence over them as possible to affect results. When an employee reaches a goal, the next step is to set a new distant goal and begin working towards it.

Key Takeaway 1: Accepting mediocrity is more damaging than obsession.

An obsessive personality can help people overcome the quagmire of mediocrity. Obsessions are good when they’re used for constructive purposes, and bad when they’re destructive. A person with an obsessive personality may resort to destructive habits like drugs or alcohol if he’s bored.

Addictions, such as alcoholism and drug abuse, are driven by chemicals in the bloodstream. One of these chemicals is dopamine which produces positive sensations when we accomplish something. We feel good about ourselves after a job well done or a goal achieved. But addictive substances like alcohol and drugs flood our brains with dopamine until they stop producing it naturally from less destructive activities. The result is that we lose interest in doing things that don’t produce the same rush of excitement because those accomplishments no longer seem to be rewarding enough for us anymore. Some people may be more susceptible to addiction than others due to their existing brain chemistry.

People can either give in to addiction or be successful. If they want to be average, they will continue being addicted and unsuccessful. However, if they want to overcome mediocrity, then they must reject their addictions and become successful.

Be Obsessed Or Be Average Book Summary, by Grant Cardone