Want to learn the ideas in Crush It better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk here.

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Video Summaries of Crush It

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1-Page Summary of Crush It


Many people work at jobs they don’t like, and that’s unfortunate because it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to make a living doing what you love most in life. This article will show how one can do just that by following these steps.

By identifying your passions and creating content that fits with those passions, you can create a brand without having to compromise your personality.

In addition, you’ll learn why it’s better to ruffle a few feathers than play it safe. You’ll also learn the surprising reason why cutting corners will ultimately lead your business into the ground.

But most importantly, you’ll develop a plan for making your hobby into a career.

Big Idea #1: You can only create a successful business if you follow your passion and work hard.

Have you ever dreamed of making a living doing what you love? If so, it is possible to do that. Many people think they can’t turn their hobbies into jobs because they feel like it’s impossible. However, the author of this article says that we all can “crush it” or make money from our passions in life. The secret is knowing how to do that and there are many ways for us to achieve our goals.

The first step in succeeding at something is to identify what you’re passionate about. This could be anything from playing board games or making model trains, to gardening or cooking.

Once you have figured out what your passion is, you should start living it. Living your passion means making a career of it and doing that thing more than anything else in life.

Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart are both successful women who identified their passions early in life.

You also need to combine living your passion with loving your family. By doing so, you’ll have a support system that will help you achieve success in achieving your goals.

You need to work hard if you want to be successful. This means taking on more than just a normal workload, and it’s important that you focus all your energy towards what you’re passionate about.

If you love beer, then you might want to turn it into your career. However, this can only happen if you put all of your energy into the subject and immerse yourself in it. This means learning from other people who brew beer or watching videos on how to do so.

After you have identified your goals, aligned yourself with a mentor and gotten the tools to succeed, it’s time to start crushing it.

Big Idea #2: You can only monetize your passion by turning yourself into a brand.

Once you’ve identified your passion and are trying to live it, what’s the next step on the road to success? Finding ways of letting people know that you’re passionate about a certain field. You can do this by creating a brand: an image that reflects who you are and is tied in with your passion. For example, the author created his own YouTube channel where he spoke plainly about wine in a way that reflected his personality—sometimes causing controversy—instead of trying to alter himself so as not to offend anyone or conform to people’s expectations about experts on wine.

Although some people find him to be a bit abrasive, his genuine personality has helped him stand out from other wine experts. He’s been successful because of the synergy between his hard work, passion and brand. But just having a brand isn’t enough: you need to make sure it stays well regarded by your audience. You can do that by providing excellent customer service—treat your fans and customers well by listening to them and maintaining an open dialog with them.

For example, the author would spend hours answering questions and comments from his fans. By investing time in them, they trusted him more and ended up returning to his blog.

Crush It Book Summary, by Gary Vaynerchuk